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Golden Crow

A member registered Jan 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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Traits are unlocked after the first game run as you play. You can use cheats to unlock it. Click on "?" top right and the last option is the one that unlocks all traits.


You can contact me on discord :)

Did you try  it with any other ren'py game?

Now It's all in the same exe. Ren'py updated it.

Well. I'm working on my dream game, so I think I'll continue with it for a long time. Hehe

Thanks for reporting! Fixed!

(1 edit)

You can play as a trans woman, yes. When you're creating your any of your chars, In body options you can allow penis for your female characters.

It's not implemented yet.

Probably everything that is allowed in Patreon. The game has no limits...

Hey! Thank you! Soon the sex will become a lot better. ;)

Haha! Thank you! I like when people have fun playing Influencing!

Btw, the cheat button is easier now. "?" to right. You will find an button "Activate Cheats" or something like this... Click on it and done!

Have fun! ^^

(1 edit)

Thanks! I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks! But I never leave! Haha... I was just having a bad time while doing this update, But I'm more active on Discord and Patreon! :D

It have both (not as much as straight sex yet)... And also some Trans scenes (optional)...

Thanks KazumiSnow for keep the comments going! :D

I have good news for you...

Try this one bro! I just got the link for you.


You can use the City config to generate the city a little bit more lewd. But if you mean by using cheats, I still didn't implement a way to edit NPCs in chunks.

And thank you for playing Influencing!

Only via mods. Patreon Doesn't like it...

I'm glad you liked! Happy New Year!

Not yet. Only via mod. But I'm not sure if the mod is working in this version yet.

For the next update... I have added the button. Thank you for the suggestion!

Or you can use a different explorer than the standard one that comes with Android...

Are you on Discord? If you are, talk to me in private. I'm testing a fixed version.

Found the problem. There is a Memory leak in the new androids. I might update the renpy. Maybe this will fix the problem.

Not yet.

Yep. Just like any other language. I'm working into the translation system, so we will be able to add any language at all...

you can save over it.

This one?


On discord you can get some mods. You can find instructions on how to install it on Android as well!

I'm still working on the system that will allow the game to be translated to other languages. I might need some help with russian... But portuguese and spanish will be implemented for sure.

Someone made a mod that allow it. It's on discord.

Could you check if the file window_icon.png is in the folder "Influencing-\game\gui"? If the file does not exists, try to unpack the zip file again. If the problem persists, please tell me again. 

If the file exists, I suggest you to check your windows. Sometimes windows updates does something wrong with some important dll of the system and it stops to read renpy correctly (beside other executables, of course).

Bro. What is your device and Android version?

It's closer than ever! I just made a post on Patreon about this stuff and many more.

I have this dragging system ready. But to be true, as a player I never liked this system. So, it's possible. But I don't see enough demand for this feature... :\

Incest no. Patreon have a strict rule against it. I'm not crossing this line. Everything else, yes!

Yes! Soon!