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A member registered Apr 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Remember, your head can be used as a weight in buttons. Also thanks for playing :)

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Thanks for playing! I don’t really like the way I designed the levels, because the levels are very bland and I probably could add some decorations, but I’m glad you liked, I’m definitely going to check your game too!

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Yeah, I was planning on making hand-drawn levels instead of using a tilemap system, i REALLY suck at level design, but i really appreciate your honesty, I’ll be sure to check out your game too!

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Contact Vimlark or 8 Bits to infinity, they will probably understand the issue that you’re having.

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I learned that I suck at organizing code, especially when the deadline is near.

Thanks for playing, I couldn’t test the game that much because of the time that I had to code it, but I’m glad you liked the mechanic :)

Thank you! :)

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Thanks for playing! I agree that the fourth level is a little bit confusing, I couldn’t design better levels because I made them just yesterday and today, if I ever update this game, I would improve the previous levels first.

Thank you for playing! I was planning on adding checkpoints, but I couldn’t add them because of the deadline.

congratulations for being featured on markiplier’s video!