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A member registered Aug 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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cool game, i can see the potential
i like the idea of trimming the file down with the scissors.

cool idea, i like the style

love the style

wow, really fun to play, i thought i would check it out over a cup of coffee and now its cold.. Great progression, its really satisfying to be able to go back and mop up all the bigger fish that you had to dodge before upgrading. Big map to explore but couldn't get the chests to do anything. quite addictive, well done.

funny game, really like the chalky art style and the upgrade menus look cool, well done

cool simple graphics and good use of the name, interesting idea

great job,i played it to the end, the war screen was a little tricky but i really like the idea of drawing the platform to land on while in the air, i think the in-air movement is a little sensitive but enjoyed the gameplay and  it was an effective way to tell a story. cool

cute character and run cycle, i like the style and good use of the name, well done

great artwork, looks really nice

I managed to get through all 4 levels, it was nice to relax to after some coding, good game, maybe some things to collect at the same time as trying to dodge obstacles could add to the difficulty, pretty good fun.

looks great, nice graphics. I'm glad you put a gif in there as it was hard to figure out what to do at first. overall clever little puzzle game, well done

pretty sweet - nice to chill out to after a long session (low and left)

Gonna be using: 

• Unity
• Gimp
• Piskel
• FamiTracker (if i can figure it out in time)

Good luck!