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A member registered Apr 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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Jam rating period ends in a few hours so just wanted to say good luck to everyone who participated. Lots of these games were tons of fun to play so I hope you all get the ratings you deserve for it! 

Thats exactly what i was aiming for! Thanks for playing the game and leaving a comment, I really appreciate it!

Hey thanks for playing and i really appreciate the feedback. Yeah I agree a small invincibility period would definitely improve the experience. If i was to revisit this project again I would keep that in mind. 

Impressive, when I had my brother playtest this his highest was around 12m. Thanks for playing! 

Hello! I really enjoyed this game and i think the graphics are super cool. As per the usual i'll leave some feedback on general thoughts I had whilst playing. 

I would say the game might be too easy, found myself sitting there for a while waiting around. I also think that some sound effects and some kind of score system would really improve this game. The music fit perfectly to the game but sound effects would've improved the experience a lot and same goes for some kind of visible score system. I see how it fits the theme of spring but I am a tad unsure how well it fits the growth theme but that might be me. 

Overall the game was quite a lot of fun and I love the art style, just some small features that could've improved my experience as a player. Good job on this one!

Awesome! Good luck!

I had a lot of fun, killed 50 something frogs before it got too manic. If i had any feedback i would say add some light music in the background and maybe increase the radius in which you can stomp on frogs. I found that it was quite pixel perfect sometimes which made the game more challenging but also frustrating. Also a little unsure on the relevance to the theme but that might just be me being silly.

Anyways good job on this game, the graphics are really cool and for an arcade game it was a lot of fun!

Hello! I played this game and was a tad confused by the controls and it took me a good minute to figure out what i was doing. It's a really cool proof of concept for a farming game but it's missing some key parts such as a real goal and little bits of polish like audio (On the browser version there is no audio, haven't tried the download version). 

Overall it's a great start for what could be a well made game if it just had some core gameplay mechanics such as a goal to work towards. Good job!

I ended up dropping the endless runner idea but now it's about making something else

So i have sort of wasted my morning trying to make a game and made an endless runner thing but it very loosely fits the theme and really isn't all that fun. Just wondering if anyone else is struggling as much as I am with this one. 


from the rules section "You can use system code (saving, loading, or other common game systems) you wrote before the jam, but don't use anything that defeats the purpose of doing the jam at all (for example, an entire game, or a template gotten off an asset store), or anything that would get you in legal trouble.". pretty sure this means using the templates is against the rules

Thinking about ideas prior to the jam is somewhat unavoidable but do remember the theme is yet to be announced so your ideas may not quite fit

My first release on this platform! I spent quite a long time trying to learn new mechanics and experimenting with different ideas to create this game and it's been a magnificent learning experience. The game goes as follows: An aspiring game developer wants to make a game, but the problem is he doesn't know where to start! The same level but with many twists. 

I hope you enjoy!

*2021 :)