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A member registered Nov 20, 2017 · View creator page →

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I can't seem to figure out what to do aside from interacting with the few things in the room and hearing her thoughts on them each. Is there a trigger I'm missing?

of course! Yeah, saved the name alongside the score to play test and potentially help you find the bug. Do you happen to know where you got the sound asset of picking up the snowballs? 

I believe it was clone 3 or 4, in the bottom right, actively holding both down and right at time of clone. I’m away for holiday so I don’t have a computer to attempt to recreate but hope that helps. 

Nah, breaking games is what I do for fun! I was hoping I could “safe spot” it, but alas, you take damage as a group thus quickly they became a liability. :P

if you stand in the corner of the field while a clone trigger goes off, it is possible to spawn it outside of the square. Not that that helps in any way, but it was a fun bug.

(1 edit)

online leaderboards have a few interesting bugs:
You can overwrite your higher score with a lower one if you get two
the names don't accurately track to who got the score.

I got 111 and the score showed up on the leaderboard but under someone else's name and later when i got an 83 high score, the 111 score was overwritten it seemed.

Otherwise fun game concept and execution. I like the visual effect of the flashing shield and the paralax effect of the snomen getting tiny when you send them forward!

edit: 107 is as high as i could get to that sweet sweet 111 from before. RIP