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I just finished my first run. My first impressions are this game is super fun!
I ended up losing because I bought a generator to power my weapons, but when I placed it, nothing appeared and the card just got deleted, so I was left with not enough power.
This is a wonderful concept for a game. I'm going to play another round!
EDIT: okay this game is a banger. Once I understood how the power stuff worked, this was awesome. I did end up dying because the normal blue enemy took damage that was colored black instead of red and reached the center. Not totally sure what that was. This is wonderful and I plan to come back to play later. It would be wonderful to see how you expand on this concept!
That was awesome!
The idea of creating clones to move materials around is genius. I had so much fun trying to figure out the path to send the clones on.
I really have no major complaints. My small criticisms are things like the basic material boxes not spawning in the same spot, so you have to adjust it so the clones pick them up, but even that I found fun and it gave me something to do.
Incredible work! I really loved it. I wonder where this concept could go if it was expanded.
I unfortunately wasn't able to "finish" the game (if there is even an ending) because the game became far too laggy by the time I reached the depth of the first long looking fish (it sort of bends when I bubble it, not sure how else to describe it)
This is an excellent concept! I really enjoyed going down, bubbling enemies, bringing them up, upgrading, and doing it again.
I found it incredibly confusing when I first bumped into a wall and my character stopped moving. I'm not sure if my game was bugged, but I was stopped for very long. This is definitely a cool punishment mechanic for bumping into walls, but I feel it could benefit from being tweaked a bit. If my game wasn't bugged, I would definitely suggest making the "stopped" time shorter. If not shorter, instead of the player getting frozen, you can make them get slowed so they still have a chance of recovering from the wall bump. It would also be nice to have a visual indicator that I am stunned. Maybe some stars spinning around the head.
I found the gun/light aim got real janky when I tried to aim above me.
This is a small nitpick, but I had no idea I could press E to pick stuff up at first. I thought I was supposed to avoid the fish and eventually stumble upon gems as I went deeper. A quick peak at the game description quickly cleared that up for me!
Like I said, this is a wonderful concept, but there are aspects that can be expanded on. I also super love the visuals. I did not play with sound on, so I cannot give feedback on that aspect of the game.
This was awesome.
The art and sound effects are really nice. I only got 2 endings. Those being hit by a car and getting killed by the red monster guy. My runs usually involved running around aimlessly before the red guy gets me. It was still really fun. The lack of music amplifies the eeriness. It makes the sound effects much more pronounced.
Also, those super light faces showing up on screen were real evil.
Although I didn't get all the endings, it was a very fun game. Good work!
This was a delightfully terrifying game.
The mechanic of having to not look at ghosts but then check that location afterwards to calm down is so cool to me. I wasn't totally sure what the pills were for, I popped one just for fun and didn't really notice anything happened.
I will say around 6 I had found myself just sitting and waiting for the night to be over. The fear had slightly went away.
I super love the art style. I am curious how you did it. It looks like the decorations and things are 2d but are the walls? I can't figure out if they are drawn or 3d. If they are drawn, I am curious how you got it to look like the player is looking around a 3d room with 2d walls. I'm not sure if I worded that right. Welp.
This was a real treat to play!
This was quite the gem. I enjoy this departure from the usual game genre you (BadPiggy) work in.
The battle encounters were super fun and tense. I do feel restarting the battle completely when you die is a bit bananas, but it certainly adds to the tension.
The environment was really eerie. I was always worried something was going to be right around the corner. You nailed it!
This is some amazing work and I'm excited to see what else you make in this genre, if you decide to do so!
The art and style on this is wonderful. The movement was also super nice.
Great atmosphere, great game, great work!
I did have to cut it short because I found it far too difficult to dodge the purple spirit things. I'm not sure if it was because of the platforming or I had trouble navigating and using items in the inventory. Still great work up until the demon fellas got too much.
I think it would help a lot if the spirits got stunned when shot. I find it hard to reload, shoot, and dodge all at once.