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I've just checked and it also seems broken on my end? Even tho it was working fine this whole time?
I've uploaded the gallery pics to our bluesky account if you want to look at them, as I'm not actively fixing bugs in this game anymore out of fear I'll break it even more.
Also, sorry for such a late response!
We hid that game cause it was taking too long to finish, like, it would take ages to make just one update so we decided to put it on hiatus/cancel it. You can still access it thru a link and password on our Discord Server.
Thank you for commenting! When the game starts, it loads all of the textures at once, showing a black screen untill it finishes, if you wait for a couple of seconds, depending on your device, it should load. In the next update I'm planning on making a loading screen so people don't confuse the loading with the game not working
thanks for commenting! While I agree that the game doesn't have enough assets for making it public, I decided to do it to find out if the core gameplay loop is good enough, because assets are way easier to make and replace than the core gameplay. An update with more stuff is on its way, and should be released before the end of the week.
Hi! After trying the new update, I must say the story aspect of this game is really neat! It makes the game more memorable and interesting. The title screen, music and character art are very nice and fitting, and the game has received a substantial improvement in nearly every aspect compared to the past version. I did encounter some bugs during my gameplay tho, so ill just write them here.
1. rushia's fandead only works on the last 2 enemies
2. there's a typo during the going into cave cutscene, during one of pekora's lines (forgot exactly what she said, sorry)
3. sometimes the red highlights around enemies (the ones from hovering your mouse over them) and the crossed red circles (the ones when you hover over them after choosing an attack that doesn't apply to enemies, for example, healing) stay on even after you take the mouse off them. hovering over them again fixes this issue.
4. It doesn't appear to be a way to swap out fallen characters while they are still on the field and after they disappear, which is a bummer. (already known issue)
5. During my gameplay, when I was fighting in the cave, the game softlocked during the fight. There was the indicator showing that its the goblins tour, but he didn't do anything. my only option was to close the game and start this fight from the start.
6. During the fight with the goblin shaman near the anywhere door I got into a situation where I was using marine, and there were 2 dead enemies, a bat and the shaman, and I was unable to attack the bat or the shaman when both of my attacks (anchor drop and Ahoy!) should be able to hit them. Only thing I could do about this is changing characters. After that Rushia's shriek also decided not to work on the shaman (which was the only enemy left at this point) but at least I could attack it with the fandead attack. Were the standard attacks designed to only work at a close distance? if yes, it would be nice to have the game tell you that instead of making you find out about it.
Other things that I think are worth noting:
1. an indicator showing what enemies/allies you can target with your attack when you hover over them, so you don't have to hover over every enemy/ally individually to see it would be really helpful and nice to have.
2. it would be nice to have a visual indicator when an enemy is set ablaze by noel, like a fire animation.
3. Having to hover on every ally and enemy just to see its status is kinda annoying, having a small icon near the health bar or above their heads showing if they are ablaze/have applied increased resistance.
4. Idk how easy it would be to have 2 separate sprites just for this (altho you could have the same sprite for noel, but separate for the fire to make it easier to change colour), but making noels fire green when she is in a support position (the one where she has cleansing flames, the ability to heal allies) would be a good visual indicator of what mode she is in