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A member registered Feb 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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It is not actually. My inspiration were Dropkick Murphys :)

Thank you, we are aware of this and currently we try to make the game a little more clear. As it was our first atempt to create a game we now know we have to add more time to testing and UI next time.

Thank you, we´ve all gained a lot of experience on this game.

Thank you. Let us know how you like it :)

Ahh walking a plank is definitely one of features we wish to implement! And some sneaky shark too!

Haha, you are not the first one to think of Monkey Island when playing Aaaarrrrgggghhhh! we are obviously very pleased to hear that.

We hope to be able to implement some extras soon, but I cannot promise anything just yet.

Haha, just a question, who are you to poke parrot with a stick ?! Just kidding, thank you for playing :)

Oh wow! We are blushing!