doesnt look too good ( im using both :( )
oh nvm ._. Mod: OptiFabric
what about ETF and CEM? does it work?
soul snad biome (or a terrible fortress) and put one
ye there is a soul variant!
how to make your own broken (ΦoΦ)
step 1: minimize the health of your creeper girl
step 2: lightning strike = 0&20hp
done! you now have a broken (ΦoΦ)
(ignore the bars on step 2)
im using: IMG (modpack)
how did you even see those details???
probably never will come out.
dunno cuz im not one of the devs
blu, the berry
morph mod (any that is compatible) + survival to go kaboom
i got a clip tho
(about to go kaboom)
oh (._.)
broken max size ~\(≧▽≦)/~
broken size 2 (ΦvΦ)
i broke it (ΦoΦ)
all 4 allay balls
i dont have optifine but i have the bees ok
theres one
its a minion but whatever
...where did they go?
soul variant????? (didnt capture it)
also all 3 stages of inflation for: Creeper Girl
how do i get the secret massive blue slime girl?
a blushing pixie
3 of dem blazes
or without
(stuffed allay resourcepack)
and soul chocolat
normal ghast.png
no there wont be cuz fireball *explodes a fireball on you*
nope it appears as a shadow version (0.1.0 but 0.2.1, i have proof!)
i cant beat level 8
this is like catacombs of solaris but better
u can also add some extra functions and set max size to 10
what the why does it look like the character is gonna consume the file
beyond the elipse of backgrounds there is the void
retextured ???
fireylion responds with yes
spicylion responds with yep