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A member registered Feb 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hello Donpuno,

I really like your game, it reminds me of a lot of very good memories on marble madness ^^

But you exploit good ideas like pushing boards to build a path, it adds revival to the genre of the game.

It could be good to use this game in multi and one direction Fall guy :)

Congratulations for this work, (especially for a first game) I will try in due course to finish it but I am very bad haha: D

Ok i'll test that with pleasure, i go work and try when i'll back ^^

Thank you Donpuno for your encouraging feedback ^^

It feels good and it motivates!

Yes indeed there will be stressful moments, especially when everything starts to break down at the same time or when there will be enemies ^^

there will also be places to visit, randomly generated which will require exploration and strategy in order to recover resources to continue on your way or replace certain defective parts.

In short, there is still a lot to do! : P

For the sound effects it is normal, it is not yet integrated ^^ Only the menu does indeed include them.

(1 edit)

Good morning all !

I'm trying to get feedback on my "TRaiN Machine" project, I've been working on it for 2 years, at my own pace, without pressure, days with or without motivation ^^
In short, so much working time for not much, your only challenge will be to move a train ... well for the moment: P
I'm alone on the development and the graphics will be forgiving, the sound and music effects will be added much later.

The game?
For the moment he is concentrating on the point and click part.
It is planned to add a part later:

• Survival - You will need to deal with both character health and train breakdowns.

• Resource management (Partly included).

• Enigma and logic.

• Rogue-lite where each evolution studied will be permanent.

• Shoot'em'up for the outdoor part, you won't be alone on the road.

Small precision however, I want to keep a retro aspect in the difficulty! Today's games take you too much for assistants so expect very little advice.
Do not comment that it is too difficult or that there are not enough clues, I will not change anything on this point I'm sorry ^^
On the other hand, I am listening to you on possible improvements, on what is wrong, or even ideas, I am interested.

Have a good test!

Language: French / English
Keys: Integrated in a tutorial
Playing time: A few minutes

Game link:

Merci, un petit retour aussi dans la chapter 1, quand tu découvres la salle secrète ca te TP vers le début, avec une case clef qui t'empêche de passer.
J'ai découvert la salle avant de débloquer la clef, du coup je me suis retrouvé coincé et impossible de bouger (La clef te bloque), on est obligé de quitter et relancer le jeu.

Une petite contribution bien méritée pour ce jeu que j'avais adoré lors du chapter 1, entièrement mérité.
Le seul point noir, la gratuité? Vu le boulot? Mais tu es fou ! ^^

Very excellent, I love the concept of being able to change hero :)

C'est bon trouvé, il mène au même raccourci ^^
Du coup je me suis apercu qu'un des niveaux (Celui avec le drapeau buggé à la fin si tu ne fais pas tomber les blocs) se termine de 2 manières

Ah le deuxième je ne l'ai pas trouvé, j'ai vu aussi a un moment donné au milieu des niveaux, on obtient un score de 90, donc aller au niveau 9 directement mais ca je m'en suis aperçu pendant l'animation Win, c'étais trop tard ^^
Du coup suis curieux, je vais tenter de trouver

Au fait, pour le niveau secret, il n'y a rien a faire on est d'accord? Ca téléporte juste sur un raccourci?

J'avoue il est excellent, j'adore le concept ^^

Toppissime ! :)