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A member registered Aug 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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Ooh, will have to keep my eyes open to catch that. Overall the game was fantastic though. One other opinion I had on a bit more thinking was that there could be a few more ways to use investigation gathered, though it may just have been my playthrough I really only seemed to spend influence points? It -may- have just been how I played though so it's no fault of the game per-se, just something I noticed.

Easily one of the best games I've played out of the Vampire Jam. Great work, I really hope you end up placing, since this game is pretty interesting and had a great story. The only thing I wish is that there were more of a queue for events, so that it was easier for me to move the various members of my coterie around between events going off. It got a little bit complicated for me when I had way too many members in my coterie.  Still one of my favorites from the submissions! Great work!

This game was fantastic. I really hope you place in one of the spots, as this game was great. Lots of choices and a proper ending that didn't leave me confused or wondering where it led. This is great.

It was a ton of fun. Great job!