Yup, my username is a reference to ActionScript's gotoAndPlay and gotoAndStop! And the game is indeed hard - you have to plan out your moves on a fairly fine level to get everything, so keep playing!
The non-RPG-Maker equivalent of an RPG-maker game. Looks decent enough thanks to assets that fit well together, using a somewhat fixed formula that is acceptably executed, with most of its soul expressed through the writing. The text is a bit too slow though.
Has clear rough edges all around, without really breaking apart anywhere; but insufficient instructions meant I was being pushed around by piggie banks without the means to do anything other than jump or crouch (and make the camera move unnaturally).
Excellent platformer mechanics with decently pleasing aesthetics, though contrast between background and foreground is somewhat lacking. With enough levels and more sprites, this could be a genuinely enthralling indie game.
You shoot the debt crab. Don't run into it. It doesn't move. Explosions don't fully despawn. It is workable as a first game, decent effort, and I hope your next Unity project will be more fleshed out.
It is a pinball game. It is fun, the graphics are nothing special but don't look bad, and the references are inserted somewhat intelligently. Not the most creative game in the world though.
Looks like a mock-up for a game with a development scope far beyond 12 hours, with little relation to the theme. Decent effort, but another day or two would be needed to make this really playable.
Playable as a game, but performance can be a problem on old PCs. The cash in serif font looks out of place, and controls are somewhat clunky, though justifiable as intention.