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A member registered Feb 20, 2022

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Your strategy got me 300 seconds lol. Thanks

I don't understand the Cryo Mine

I revealed it, but it still damaged my probes?

No hate or anything, just curious. Who is the vampire in the cover art, and why is she so sexy? lol She's not even wearing any pants. It just sticks out in contrast to the survivors on the cover art. Is she even in the game?

(1 edit)

This was my pack at the end of the run. There are quite a lot of balance issues. The first two bosses are actually easier IMO than some of the basic enemies. The only real challenge was the final boss, and that was because he gained 10 spikes out of nowhere (Despite his text saying that he gained 1/turn). He never actually did increase his spikes beyond 12, nor did his rage and regen increase beyond 12 and 4 respectively.

This was a lot of fun, and I loved assembling this OP build. Lots of Max HP combined with lots of seasoning, and a log for infinite +25 healing for 1 energy. I could heal for 100/turn if I wanted to. This made me immortal if the enemy is incapable of dealing 81 damage in 1 turn. I even have a magic armor ring if I desperately needed a lot of armor for whatever reason.

Then I have 6 single use weapons for 0 energy combined with a whetstone that adds 3 to all weapons in that row for 1 energy. Lots of fun with this, but it did trivialize every single fight. I was able to win most fights in turn 1 before the magma caves.  I was very excited to have found the golden whetstone, but I was disappointed that it was a single use +2 permanently. That didn't seem all that good for ~40 gold. Especially when I can achieve a +72 boost to my damage every turn.

Edit: (Had to use Imgur because Itchio wouldn't let me submit a comment with an image in it)

Saw Retromation make a video on this on Youtube.

2 minutes in, I had to come play for myself. With just seeing 2 minutes of gameplay, if this was hosted on Steam, I would buy it 100%.

This reminds me too much of I am Bread lmao. The controls are a little frustrating, but the art and the music is amazing.