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A member registered Aug 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hehehe thanks (^ ω ^) I had planned for this to have more endings and stuff, but assignments came in which gave me a grand total of less than 24 hours to finish (ᗒᗣᗕ)

Maybe I could add music in when I update this over the weekend....hmm....( ` ω ´ )

Hi David :) Thank you so much for the feedback! 

Don't worry I meant the feedback to be in the comments anyway hehe (although I don't mind if anyone sends it any other way)

I had finished the game late at night (with like a couple of hours left to submit oops), so I didn't have enough time to proofread this, but I 100% will go through the game again and update it (I knew I had a lot of spelling and grammar stuff anyway), hopefully I can update it this weekend (・ω・)

Thanks so much again (≡^∇^≡)

That warmth is from........... blood!......... oooo scary horror spooky

(Who am I kidding horror is not the genre for me lmao)

Thanks for playing  (*´▽`*)

very good bois. 58/10 would join the bogeybois.

Also reminded me that all dogs go to heaven so heaven is now much more appealing.

Thank you! <3

Thank you!! <3 I might actually do more of these when I'm not bogged down with work ;) 

It was fun to make, just very time consuming ^_^"

Thank you!!! <3 Even I was sad about mazingbot - I wanted to play too!

Hope you have an amazing birth-week! :D

The crab and the tree are so cute aaaaaa!!!! This is such a cute game <3

Thank you so much for including it in your video! And thanks for sending the link! :D

Thank you!

this is such a cute game!!! i loved the monochrome yellow theme and the ending was just the perfect icing  on top! ^_^

Thank you! <3

i mean who wouldn't use their exclusive rights to torture their younger siblings? hehe ;)

the kitchen has fire and more ways to cause destruction ;)))) hehe

Thank you! <3