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A member registered Sep 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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I don’t understand why it works poorly for you, but everything works fine for me.

Hello LAGS, I see you've improved this game a bit, keep it up, it's gotten even better, I see you've fixed a few places, lags and bugs, before there were a few places, lags and bugs, you added money so that you can buy some goods via your smartphone, before that this wasn't the case as far as I remember.

Hi LAGS, don't rush, the idea is not bad.

don't get on Yogo's nerves

Listen LAGS, there in another channel, they were discussing about you, and players were already asking each other, especially about you, (people who know, he hasn't abandoned his game, because for some reason the update hasn't come out for too long,) (guys, who knows when the game will be updated) (people, when will there be a continuation of the game, I really liked his game, the only game that I loved in this series) and so on, I answered him briefly (LAGS, he doesn't have time to make a game, it's very difficult for him to combine work + family and his favorite hobby, he hasn't abandoned his game, he doesn't have time to make a game before the end, when he has time, he will make a game, he himself knows what to do, be patient) people immediately calmed down

as they say if you don't try you won't know, be confident in yourself, Yes! in 3D it takes more time and memory as well, I'm not forcing you to do it, you just said you wanted to try to do it and how it will look, and I'm just giving information about what guys make games on what engine, I mean on what program, well other fanatics suggest where it's better to get a program, for animation and other programs, here's a guy namedMessman )  he answered the fanatics yesterday evening, the fanatics asked when it would be announced, he answered that SOON there would be the last update of the game, and after that he would start working on the second part of the game --- the continuation of the game, and answered the fans that he was already working on the development of the 2nd part of the game, Yes, he had a problem with the game, players found lags and bugs, or a gap under the texture + there was about the drawing, they fixed it for him and specifically showed where it was in what place, he listened and corrected his game, there are fanatics on his discord channel, also beginners, who made 3D animation and suggested or gave advice, or recommended a program that would be better suited, + there are often people communicating in discord from different regions of the country, Although I am not a programmer, I am a Manager + businessman, Hi LAGS , Nice to see you and a little LAGS

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LANCE, why did you contact me before  Messman  ? , + I watched his game, how he made his game, he told me that he did it all with the help of Blender programs, and another program I’m for the word, whatever it’s called, and another program improves character drawing + compresses the file so that the game weighs less, I remember you wrote that you were interested in 3D and wanted to try it. Come on good luck LAGS

  hi LAGS, here is one game similar to yours, --  (Iam The Exorcist ) This game was created not long ago, if you had EXPERIENCE with a 3D game, you would have made a better game than this one , in this game the speed of response to the A-D keys suffers, sometimes the game itself does not respond to the A-D key, players have already tried this game, the review there is 50/50 positive and not very positive

if I'm not mistaken, he used a program (Blender) and created a 3D game,   I don’t remember the other program,

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Oooh I have one friend, he makes a 3D game, his name is  ( Messman ) you can watch his game,  the game is called   ( The Pilgrimage ) fanatics help him, improve the plot, share ideas, find bugs and give him a report, I’ve been talking about you for a long time, one fan helped him find a program that weighs little and consumes little memory, and improves quality, the best thing is to find his Discord, and there you can torture players; there are guys there. hi LAGS

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Here’s another idea: when you watch a video for a long time, a ghost can come out of the TV, there are enough gadgets that you added, you can make 2 ghosts, for example Map, Hospital + School, or Street, these are large maps, you can make 2 there a ghost, the first one is engaged in hunting and the other one is making traps, it happens that there is a shelter in the garden, but you sit in the shelter for a long time, or you use the same shelter, it would be funny. Bo when I see Map School, hospital, Street one ghost is looking for a guy for a long time and bo on the other hand The guy is looking for ghosts for a long time. ( if something is wrong with English, I don’t speak English well. language, my apologies, my dear language is Ukrainian ) 

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hi LАGS, ghost girls there don’t haunt you in your dreams)), I wanted to suggest to you that if you add a stun gun, a trap, approximately, (there is a mini dagger, there is holy water, there is salt, there are candles,) you can also add a picture of a ghost girl climbing out of a picture like a trap, it would be funny if the guy hid in a locker or under the bed, another ghost can find a guy, or a girl, the longer a girl looks for a guy, she can open the locker if the guy sits there for a long time, for example, like you did like MAP SCHOOL, women's restroom. How do you advocate such an idea LGAS

no, I am UKR.

and what kind of translation from English is that? in Russian or from Japan in English

he wrote above that it was temporarily suspended, and the wine test there described what kind of TEST

It won’t work out quickly, it’s difficult for him to combine work, family and his favorite hobby

this is a joke, 15 years later, hahahaha , As I understand it, you will have more time to work on the update, and now you don’t have time, I also noticed that you are now trying something new and testing, for example, how you rolled out that test, as I understand it, you are looking for a replacement engine so as not to be dependent on that old engine , HELLO LGAS

He’s just not used to it, and he doesn’t wander around a lot, that’s normal. LGAS

YES, I draw attention to this, that the smartphone is running out of charge, a friend of the player will completely discharge the smartphone, what will he do, sooner or later they will ask about the beta, one bug was encountered that a ghost simply flies by and ignores the main character, another ghost is purely accidental I came across it in the bedroom and came out of nowhere, you can look for an electric shocker pistol, so I’m interested in the ingredients, what you led, what they give, I think other players will like this 1 Blaktnot, 2 Menu, 3 offer via Smartphone + purchase via smartphone and everything else from the smartphone, because that game doesn’t have this, Poker, I’m a bad player, I couldn’t appreciate poker, nada that player who plays poker well, what would he give Review, drawings of sexy girls, it’s a pity that it’s difficult to find such girls in real time)), and the HP sign, wine level and threat level, look really nice and you can immediately understand what is responsible, and below on the left there are 2 gray stripes, I don’t know what it gives, If you carry out updates in the future, then the players will be happy during the tests, I wanted to ask, How are you, I just haven’t been near you for a long time, have you been away from work for so long? It’s just that you rarely give answers to players, I wanted to ask what happened that the game was developed. I stopped it, is there a problem with the engines again? If the engine didn’t see the difference, everything is indicative, you wrote about the engine, Thank you for the game, blame yourself.

You made the main feature of the smartphone, (to use the smartphone keys C) it’s for you players to get the smartphone

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oh yes, I almost forgot, I also liked the change in the HP sensor, threats + wine, it looks nice , if you cook it, there is a difference

hello, long time no see, I liked the change in the MENU, it looks nice and uses the notepad, what else did you like, I liked that the smartphone now plays a role, if you want to make a purchase, not through a girl but through a smartphone you can make a purchase, it’s very convenient, the new interior is not very nice rooms, I see you repainted the walls, + the new pose of the enemy girl, I liked the new painting of a girl named ANTENNA, I slightly didn’t like the fact that you can give a command to your partner via a smartphone, well, it suits whoever, now the smartphone has a stable battery, the longer the player is using a smartphone, his smartphone is running low, the new Main character turned out to be funny, the engine didn’t see any difference, Thank you for allowing us to play.

I’m wondering, when did you complete your project, there will be a game about a guy, a guy against girls

cool, good idea

I know you said a long time ago that you wanted to finish what you started, I just answered you, it’s just that you haven’t been on the Chat for a long time. Thanks for the reminder

Oooh gooo, LGAS hello, I haven’t published anything new for a long time, I’m glad to see you LGAS, well, you draw beautifully ehh, it’s a pity that such girls are difficult to find in real time, I liked the girl in headphones, where have you been for so long, let me guess I developed the game company, that I didn’t have time to work on my creation, that I didn’t answer for a long time, I thought you were kidnapped by the fans, I’m kidding, I’m glad to see you, you’re working on the decal game. or you give away one game.  ( COLLEGE BRAWL --there will be a restart of the game, take this game and give it modern graphics-  Lustful Spirit Hunt  like this game for example ) will be cool. Good luck to you in accomplishing what you started. Glad to see you

HELLO LAGS, I wanted to ask you about the update, will you update your game before the New Year or after the New Year holidays?

Oooh great, an update is just around the corner, thank you

 I got it, it’s cool, and not a bad idea for implementation,   I wanted to ask you if there will be a remaster  ( COLLEGE BRAWL ) when I first saw your game before the popularity, and played that game, it’s just nothing, little game of the Main Character against girls, especially martial arts, but after this game, you improved your skill, + brought the graphics and painting to a new level, my respect, yes, I read in the comments and you wrote there  game there ,  that you want to complete the game (Lustful Spirit Hunt and Hailey Treasure Adventure) and start a new project (Hailey Treasure Adventure 2), in the game Lustful Spirit Hunt I noticed a lot of posters including a trailer on the PC of others looking for games, there was also a hint there, for example, Lara Croft , Special Forces Girl, Guy and Girl they are Agents,  but when I saw this   (PARASITE IN CITY) then you really reminded me of the game  , Thank you for having time to answer everyone, including me, + entertaining us, I am grateful to you for everything you do for us, there will be more games like yours.

Cool, I wish you good luck, it will be cool if you do something similar to this ( PARASITE IN CITY BY PIXEL ) the fact is that there are few games like this, and your games have reached a new level with improved graphics about character drawing and everything else, so you made a game, treasure hunter, ghost hunter, but you still don’t have a shooter game, and I saw a hint from the game ( Lustful Spirit Hunt ) I noticed this in the PC trailer, on the street in the window 

you reminded me of this game ( PARASITE IN CITY BY PIXEL  ) it would be cool if you made something similar

oooh update soon, thanks for entertaining us

taaa, I like everything, especially the hourglass girls, I just trudge, where all the girls don’t go, pee clock, I play and enjoy your ideas, I think in the future you will release an action game, the blonde girl is holding a pistol in her hands, it’s clear to see trailer, on PC, on the street, on TV, it looks like for example ( WHITEPEACH - THE SHADOW OF YIDHRA ,  VIRUS Z , ) 

what is better with censorship or without censorship?

Happy for you, this is great news, your prayers have been answered

Hello LAGS, I feel about the Unity company, they want to improve the engine + they want to change the price, I sympathize that they answered you at the wrong time, or rather at the wrong time they decided to change or take up improving the Unity Engine, they saw competitors, for example Unreal Engine 5, also decided to keep up with them, and there were rumors that those who started or decided to complete their game project will work according to the old rules, but if they have already decided to create something new, new games will already work according to the new Unity rules, yes, I understand that you are used to the Unity Engine, and it is difficult for you to get used to it, I want to wish you GOOD LUCK in what you started and want to complete what you started, AND SUCCESS on the future project, THANK YOU FOR US YOU HAVE ENTERTAINMENT WITH SUCH AMAZING GAMES, FOR EXAMPLE, (Lustful Spirit Hunt --- it's just a great game, it's clear that you put your soul into this game and tried, Hailey's Treasure Adventure --- Great game, adventure, animation, coloring, COLLEGE BRAWL - - this game is just my respect, there are few games especially about boys, school, martial arts, especially against girls, keep up the good work,) DO NOT worry about the change, try new things, yes it is difficult, but at the beginning it is difficult to get used to the new engine, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING , especially for all the great games, but one game punished me - Lustful Spirit Hunt, it’s immediately clear that they put their whole soul into it.