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A member registered Sep 20, 2020

Recent community posts

Should probably read it again, a lot more was said. what happened actually made sense and i respect Ranok for having the self control, he wants it to be special.

i've seen more than enough to come to my own conclusion as you have yours, so lets agree to disagree on the matter. was nice talking to you.

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I'm not taking anyones side with what i'm saying, just stating the reality of the situation, feel free to say what you like though.

just read said post again and i see nothing corelating with your statement, care to show me an example?

I don't recall him ever saying anything like that?

From what i've seen  Kael tends to take critique on the VN fairly well but when you start to attack him as a person that's when things get heated, Kael tends not to punch first but he will punch back if you make personal attacks on him, he is human after all.

Feel free to criticise , it's your right but Kael also has the right to dismiss it and you shouldn't be offended by that. The story is finished, from start to end Kael is just putting it into a VN format for everyone to enjoy and has said he has no plans to change anything.

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He's doing it for himself, it's his story that he's had written down for years he just decided to share it with us. people are free to hate, they'll just be ignored and bolster the games popularity due to the constant attention they provide.

also you don't speak for the larger public, it speaks for itself.

if that was the case every VN with aforementioned traits would be as popular as fbtw is at this moment in time. 

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once again can't please everyone, your idea of "best" is someone else's "worst" so kael should just keep pushing forward with his vision  and draw in the audience that shares his vision, the people who dislike it will fade away eventually.

He is part of the same world though so he might get introduced eventually

Why change when you're obviously doing well? can't please everyone but Kael sure seems to be pleasing the majority.

You mean like this guy?

Aren't the other Vns you mentioned totally free with the option to pay if you want to support the creators? i don't understand the comparison.

So instead you just attack the person cause they don't need/want your advice? you keep doing you I guess, not exactly the most healthy mentality.

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I find it sad that 90% of the "critique" you guys tend to give isn't at the VN but attacks on Kael himself, have you really got nothing better to do than trying to bring someone down on the internet?

From what I can see fbtw is doing fine, the story is fully planned out and is just waiting to be realised, I would say Kael is pretty set if he just continues what he's doing since a  rather vast amount of people seem to enjoy the way he writes and those who don't will move on eventually, can't please everyone.

That's fine and all and by all means feel free to keep giving your opinions on the matter, the constant discussion is just bringing more and more attention to the game and people will make their own opinions as you have, just need to remember that your critique is yours and yours alone and Kael by no means has to implement changes to appease a small minority of people who want to tell him how to write his story.

lots of VNs are talked about on the echo server so it's rather hard to just make an assumtion

I don't see Kael mentioned at all?

Kaels doing his own thing, we're just along for the ride. people are free to jump off when ever they wish or do you expect him to change his vision just because some people have differing opinions?

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based on his gut (somethings he just seems to know) he feels he's around the same age as ranok (who is around 21)

feel free to play with semantics, doesn't really change my point lol 

Find it rather amusing that people who actively hate on this game comment and stuff giving the page traffic and making it more popular by doing so, by all means keep going xD

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caelan did say that the stars are nothing like the ones he thinks he remembers, pretty decent chance it's a totally different world  

We know the continent is called Avalan and the forest it takes place in is called Tirnan but that's about it so far.

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there's nothing factual about these comments just opinions, to see them as anything more than that is just naive.

I'm pretty sure no is telling you what you can and can't say, all I was stating is the opinion is an unpopular one and the majority of people have no idea what you're talking about, your opinion is just as valid as anyone else's but it will remain just that, an opinion and an unpopular one at that. 

that wasn't really the main point of the message but feel free to focus on that if you wish.

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The majority of people seem to disagree with that statement (made apparent with the upvote system) so maybe it's just a small minority of you guys that seem very loud and feel compelled to tell everyone the things they personally don't like while the rest of us just enjoy the VN

this all seems very much like an opinion that you're trying to state as fact, you speak for no one but yourself what you think isn't universal and apparently many people disagree with you.

Probably due to the fact you felt the need to needlessly state your stance in the VNS comments, kinda makes it look like you just want attention and the follow up message in reaction to a downvote just further pushes that or where you expecting some other kind of response?

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Kinda hard to have any resolve when you don't have a clue who you are, where you're from, anything (also having the threat of death constantly looming makes decisive action fairly difficult). he's just trying to make make do with what he has in the hope that his memory will return. need to remember far beyond the word is still very very early on in the story, maybe you'll enjoy who Caelan becomes further down the line.

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To be fair he doesn't even really know who he is, this entire world just got thrust upon him and he's dealing with forces that are actively trying to make him mentally unstable, pretty sure he's coping with it better than the majority of people would considering his circumstances.

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This was posted on discord today and should clarify things. (right click and open in new tab to be able to read it)

Nope, anyone can join :D

Here's some more of just caelan

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here's a height chart kael did for the discord server. you can see caelans sprite here.

also noticed he hasn't got his fluffy chest/neck mane and that makes a diff xD

well it's pretty well known that him and kael are rather close friends xD