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Graphite Lab

A member registered Sep 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey Glitch Luke,

We can tell you are a big fan of the game. I isn't our intention to exclude Itch, but just focus efforts at the moment.

What device are you on that blocks Steam? If we sold the game in an Early Access format on Itch, do you think fans would support that? Or what about GOG?

PC focused at the moment while we build out the game.

We love it! Thanks so much for your thoughts !

Good feedback  - thanks!

We're still adjusting achievement metrics - getting 20-30 relics per run should be pretty doable. This achievement could be competed within 15-20 runs. Does that feel like too much?

These are items like the overshield and the healing totem - items you get from the wave end store, that aren't outright weapons. 

We've done a lot of re-balancing now - and fixed this re-roll issue too. Would love to have you take another look!

We've done a lot of re-balancing now - would love to have you take another look at this new demo we just posted!

We made this fix in the latest version.

We've done a lot of re-balancing too - would love to have you take another look!

We've made these adjustments! Thanks for the feedback.

We've done a lot of re-balancing now - would love to have you take another look!

Lots of new jumper skins are available now!

We've done a lot of re-balancing now - would love to have you take another look!

We've limited these items now - so they won't show up in the options after a certain point.

Ha - o no!

Did you get to check it out? What do you think of the updates? 

Seems to whip through it quickly here - are you getting a huge delay?

Roger that. Will review. Thanks for the note!

Hah - awesome. We're working on balancing and feedback. Will take a look at this one.

Thanks for sharing!

Awesome feedback.

We're considering the Invincibility frames upon getting hit, atleast by the same enemy.

The primary weapon should auto fire. You can press F to toggle this.

We're working on additional maps as part of our expansion. Be sure to wishlist on Steam to follow along!

Sorry about that - to be honest we weren't aware that would happen. We'll be careful about patching web.

Check out the Steam demo for more long term play.

We'll get this phrasing cleared up.

100% on our minds. Lots to do, but hope to get some of them in!

Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for playing ! The full game will be a downloadable.

We added a 32-bit version with our latest update!

Thanks for the heads up - we'll take a look. Were you playing in browser or via download?

Thanks so much! We like the idea of a mobile version, too.

We've been getting that feedback a bit more lately. Will look into that!

!!! Thanks!

Thanks so much for the feedback! Help us out by sharing with other players you think would like the game! 

Thanks so much! Check out the latest update and help us spread the word about the new features! Thanks!

We developed in Unity !

Check out the latest update and help us spread the word about the new features! Thanks!

Thanks!  Should have an update coming soon!

Awesome! How did you find it? We're working on some hefty updates we're excited to share!


Thanks! How did you hear about the game? 

Thanks for the kinds words. We'll check out Goldspace too!

Yeah! Awesome to see and have the support of the Linux community.

Sorry to leave you hanging! Focusing on PC for initial release and demos.

Hm - will review. Thanks!