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A member registered Oct 07, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hi Matt,

not sure if you read the comments, but just fyi: it seems that it would now be possible to update to the newer Blender versions. There is the new 'EXACT' solver, that should be similar to the old 'CARVE' solver. I think from v2.91 upward.
I tried to update the addon and got pretty far, but I don't really understand the new Depsgraph stuff, so for now I gave up.



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It doesn't require the game engine, but it does require a boolean solver that can deal with coplanar faces. Blender 2.7x had two solvers - BMesh and Carve - which was slower, but could handle coplanar faces. Unfortunately Carve has been removed from Blender 2.8x

So it wouldn't make sense to update until the BMesh solver is up to the task.

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I absolutely adore this addon! 

I've tried updating it to work with Blender 2.80 just for fun. I got pretty far, but then I realized that  Carve is gone and the newer BMesh Booleans can't handle coplanar faces... :( Apparently it's being worked on, but for now we seem to be stuck on 2.79..

Anyway, thank you for this inspiring tool! It will be great to use it with Armory in 2.8x one day