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A member registered Dec 09, 2018

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very cool for pico8, ive been playing on steam and for some reason at certain points the game will just lag like crazy, and then be ok. its usually after ive got lots of units and cauldrons around the place and bigger waves are coming. but then it just clears up and runs fine again. not sure what the cause might be.

Rox NH4 AB4 KR1 MS0 UW4 TT0 CW0 AD4 XC0 DC4 OD1 D10 PM2 Le1 DF2 ES0 BA1 DO0 DR4 Sp1 DU3 HRy DD4 KK1 MC2 BI0 TM4 FT2 OT2 PD4 8H2 RR1 LE1 DQ2 SP4 NDx CQ4 DA3 UE3 SS3 PB3 VS0 MR1 :)

this version only got posted yesterday. if you see any streams or videos of it its a much earlier version that was part of a donation pack i think. Lilith mentioned on twitter that lighting is disabled right now because of optimization.

We are hosting a return event this coming Saturday and Sunday August 27th and 28th for both vine realms and vine worlds. So if you want to play with a bunch of people on, we will be playing soon!

I enjoy crunching goblins

not sure if you found it already since this is an old post, but the soundtrack is available on spotify now. we had some distribution issues that are still in the process of getting resolved, so if it looks like it got taken down from spotify at any point just know it should be back up not that long after

This is fixed in

Hey there, I'll admit when I made Lazer Grid the intention was for it to be very difficult but still beatable. At the time I figured that some people just wouldn't be able to get it, and since it was the only emote in the game that required mega-gamer-skills it would be fine. I still kinda feel that it's ok considering the other 190 emotes don't really require any kind of hardcore platforming challenge, but at the same time it bums me out to see people are sort of having their enjoyment of the game ruined by not being able to get my dev emote. We already made Lazer Grid easier twice, but it's still challenging, even more so with controller. 

I'm not planning on making any changes to Lazer Grid but after seeing comments here and in Discord I may come up with an alternative way to get the emote that is still a challenge, but more of an exploration one. Not making any promises, but it could be something as a potential future update that would be a fun thing for people who have already completed the game to also try and figure out. No promises, but it could be a fun post game update if I have the time to add something, plus maybe a fun new reward for people who already 100%'d the game.

I appreciate the feedback though. I didn't think it would be so frustrating for people, but I get how being 1 away from 100% completion would suck.

Trailer was sick, looking forward to the full game. I do hope there are some new mechanics, would especially be nice to have maybe one time use powers or something that could help you recover from an unwinnable situation. Either way looking forward to the game.