Why are these 70 page pdfs over 150mb each? They take so long to load a they are almost unusable.
A member registered Apr 03, 2021
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Moonlight on Roseville Beach | A Visitor's Guide to Cruisin! comments · Posted in Moonlight on Roseville Beach | A Visitor's Guide to Cruisin! comments
I didn't see that you had already gotten a "Bloodslut" chainsaw, so I made you one using public domain art.
- Can the Army and Subcommander be flipped?
- What are the allowed actions? Do the assets move to reveal target locations; simply target any opposing square (like battleship); something else?
- Can only one token be spent per turn, if so why win tokens?
- Does the spymaster need to use an asset's specific name when they take an action, or just declare "My army..."
- What's the difference between "Identifying an occupied space" and "damaging an asset" -- doesn't identifying occur if and only if damage is dealt?