I get the same response that Nate Taylor posted.
Recent community posts
Cross posted on Reddit...
I'm joining the party late...downloaded it and am taking it for a spin. I like the design approach: hybrid parser, download finished game into a single HTML file, game data is separated from game engine, editor is HTML based, comes with examples, and a nice PDF manual. I don't see an easy way to include graphics?
Thanks - I figured out what I was trying to do and uploaded to my repl.it account - index.html - ramus-2.5.1 - Replit
The story will always pick up where you left it unless you clear the localstorage via the menu option or from the browser.
Thanks for putting together a great easy to use engine!
@boxofcereal - please let me know if you can grab the files off of my repl.it account - index.html - ramus-2.5.1 - Replit
Below are some changes that I have made to the Ramus script file. I've split the file into three files (css, html, js) to make it easier for me to write stories and modified code, but the instructions below should be easy to do to the single combined file.
Added story information to the HTML
<!-- customization-->
<div id="story-name">Ramus Template</div>
<div id="story-version">1.1</div>
<div id="story-author">Some One</div>
Added restart link in the footer in the HTML
<a href="#" onclick="restart(this);">Restart</a>
Added variable in JavaScript - based on story info in html - used for unique save to localStorage
/* customization: get story name from HTML form
var storyName = document.getElementById("story-name").innerHTML;
Add function in JavaScript to load story data - refresh browser will pick up where you left off
/* customization: load storydata from HTML storage
var storage;
var fail;
var storydata = {};
START = storydata.location;
moves = storydata.moves;
var total = 0;
for (var i in score)
total += score[i];
function loadStory() {
try {
(storage = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(storyName)));
fail && (storage=false);
} catch (exception) {}
if (storage) {
storydata=JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(storyName) );
moves = storydata.moves;
START = storydata.start;
score = storydata.score;
else {
localStorage.setItem(storyName, JSON.stringify(storydata));
Added save function to localStorage in JavaScript
/* customization: save storydata to HTML storage
function saveStory() {
localStorage.setItem(storyName, JSON.stringify(storydata));
Added restart function in JavaScript - called by link in footer
/* customization: restart the game from link in footer
function restart(node) {
if (status_line !== null) status_line.innerHTML = "";
if (moves_line !== null) moves_line.innerHTML = "0";
if (score_line !== null) score_line.innerHTML = "0";
transcript.innerHTML = "";
moves = 1;
score = {};
visited = {};
storydata.moves = moves;
storydata.score = score;
storydata.visited = visited;
storydata.location = START;
if (moves_line !== null)
moves_line.innerText = moves;
Modified Ramus function advanceStory - add this at the end of the function
/* customization: autosave storydata
storydata.location=fragment.id; storydata.moves=moves; storydata.score=score; storydata.visited=visited; saveStory();
Hello everyone,
I like how Ramus is contained in a single file, but for writing multiple games I found it easier to split it out into separate CSS, HTML, and JS files. They can be put back into a single file for distribution.
One of the modifications I did was to save where in the story you are so that you can pick back up later.
Below are the three changes:
Added in the HTML file or section:
<!-- customization-->
<div id="game-name">Ramus Template</div>
<div id="game-version">1.0</div>
<div id="game-author">Some One</div>
Added in the JS file or section:
Add a function to get game data from the html
var gameName = document.getElementById("game-name").innerHTML;
Add a function to read START from localStorage and set START to that
value if it exists
var storage;
var fail;
var gamedata = {};
try {
(storage = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(gameName)));
fail && (storage=false);
} catch (exception) {}
if (storage) {
gamedata=JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(gameName) );
else {
localStorage.setItem(gameName, JSON.stringify(gamedata));
START = gamedata.location;
Added to each chapter:
#do gamedata.location = "PUT YOUR PAGE ID HERE"; localStorage.setItem(gameName, JSON.stringify(gamedata));
I haven't figured out yet how to not have to add the #do command for each chapter, but if there is a way to grab the current <div id> in javascript then it seems like it would be easy to add something in the advanceStory function()
In one of the games that I started on I have a simple card playing scenario to win or lose money in a casino. It is based on a random number comparison; if you "win" you get money added, and if you lose, you have money subtracted. Below is a sample code using Ramus scripting:
#test gte(Math.random(), .6); #iftrue {{inline(inventory.money =+5)}} #do localStorage.setItem("_inventory", JSON.stringify(inventory));
In this example, if the random number is greater than .6 you get $5 added to your money. This assumes you've set up an inventory array at the beginning of the game. Since there isn't auto-saving variables like Squiffy does, I periodically save to localStorage.
Additional conditions can be coded such as checking to see if you've visited the casino multiple times (the Dead Leaves example has a test to see if you've tried something 5 times before) or if you've already won a preset casino "house limit."
I look forward to seeing how others have used some of the new Ramus features to code different scenarios.
The latest version allows you to display a link if a condition has been met. In the example below, the lines were added to the starter template under the DIV ID "part2"
#test visited.start #iftrue <p>You've visited <a href="#start">start</a>
This simple example first tests whether you have seen a section and if you have, it displays some text and a link. The Dead Leaves example uses this frequently to display a message and link if you've visited before, and something different if you haven't.
Other scenarios that you might find this useful are:
- Display a link if you have something in your inventory
- Display a link if a random number generated by JavaScript meets your criteria
These little things help make your text adventure play differently every time you play it. I look forward to seeing other ways this might be used in the comments.
This is a simple inventory hack that I am using.
In the starter template, I added the following code to div id = "start"
#do story = {}; inventory = {}; health = {}; #do story.title = "Generic Ramus Template"; inventory.book = false; health.food = 10; #do localStorage.setItem("_story", JSON.stringify(story)); #do localStorage.setItem("_inventory", JSON.stringify(inventory)); #do localStorage.setItem("_health", JSON.stringify(health));
Throughout the story, I add and change inventory and save it to localStorage.
To display the inventory, I added the following code in the footer section after the moves and score lines:
<a href="#" onclick="return show_inventory(this);">Inventory</a> <script type="text/javascript"> function show_inventory(node) { displayHealth = {}; displayHealth = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("_health") ); alert("Your food level is " + displayHealth.food) ;
I'm sure there are better ways to do this, and look forward to seeing suggestions in the comments.
I posted a message on Reddit, hopefully it helps get more users.
Interactive Fiction (reddit.com)
I recently added auto saving of variables to HTML storage, and a way to restore a game. Information is posted on a Reddit post: Ramus IF scripting : interactivefiction (reddit.com)
My apologies if you've tried this already - I'm new to javascript and am still learning. I have added a couple of new commands at the bottom of your template file and am able to save a variable to localstorage, and then read the value from local storage.
To test, I used the template.html and at the start, I saved a variable and reset the value, and in a later part of the template I echo'd the current value, restored it, and echo'd the new value.
I am going to see if I can incorporate into a simple game to test some more but I thought I'd share.
You've really done a great job at making it simple to create a game.
commands["save"] = function (name, value) {
localStorage.setItem(name, value);
return "";
commands["restore"] = function (name) {
value = ( localStorage.getItem(name) );
variables[name] = value;
return "";