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A member registered Jan 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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thank you!

thank you!

(1 edit)

submarine theme and the context about being in a dangerous mission is really cool but game jam games normally prioritize gameplay unless the focus of your game is the story.

feedback of what is happening is important. enemy bullets spawn next to me, sometimes right on my position so i get hurt without any chance. and, i cant tell when im able to shoot or even on who i should shoot.

idk what happens when you survive cause i always die but some variation would be great.

cool idea and game!

thank you a lot.

really complete feedback, i agree with everything. and you arent dumb lmao, the game really needs a tutorial and more polish to a fair experience

idk why but an option to not show the game was enabled. thank you

(2 edits)

jogo lindo e bem polido, só achei a movimentação do personagem um pouco acelerada dms

obs: essa mecanica cairia bem com um jogo de plataforma de precisão com uma gameplay mais rápida, tipo celeste

ideias: mecanica de chuva, cachoeira e vento



(2 edits)

cada fase tem um caminho muito grande pra chegar no desafio. isso incomoda já que a movimentação é lenta

tirando isso, o jogo é otimo

acho que porque antes era só uma piada para o raffa moreira

(1 edit)

how i make this?

the best game singleplayer