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A member registered May 20, 2021

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I still don't know Bou but ever since playing this I have seen people wearing his merch.
Buggy but that does not make it a bad game. I actually really enjoyed it.  It's a fun game with very fun mechanics!


This game was great and scared the ectoplasm out of me. I nearly had a heart attack and for that reason I bestow upon thee the covetous 5/5. I cant wait for more games!

The ending was very long. Let me be a coward and hide lol. Fun game with a surreal concept. I only wish there was a trigger or some more story that I could piece together to figure out why it all happened. Fun game.


I loved the idea I only wish there were maybe a bit more meat to it. The movement was fun and jumping downhill felt great but I never felt like I was truly being watched or stalked. Expand on this a bit more and you will have a solid game with a spine chilling atmosphere. I enjoyed it and cannot wait for more from you


Great game I was lulled into a false sense of security that bit me right in the jump scare muscle! Atmosphere was good the only critique I have is to work on the story telling I felt like I was on rails being forced to do things that made no sense. Maybe that was just me but I still really enjoyed this game. Great job! 


This sis one of the best horror games I have played on this site. I wanted to replay it over and over again. Great job perfect score! 5/5. I cannot wait for more games from you.

This game was very unique and hit me right in my phobia. The idea was good and I thought it was really well made. Throwing rings for choices. Never would have thought of that. Thank you, I had a lot of fun!

I want to speedrun this game. There were plenty of times I was spooked due to the unkown. My only critique is I never felt like I was in danger after seeing how the monster performed versus me. Maybe give a stamina bar or make the monster faster? I had a lot of fun with this one. Thank you!

If you grabbed a bit of every aspect of this game and expanded on it a bit more (ambience, tasks, foreshadowing) this would be great. But the game was not terrible. Thank you for making it! Keep it up. 

I should have stayed with him! He did not deserve his fate! OH CAPTAIN, MY CAPTAIN!

This art style is so cool! Our dad's friend caused me to tinkle a bit. Great game, good story!

The first scare shook me so much. That was one of my more embarrassing moments. Aside from that, this game had such a GOOD TWIST! I was very impressed. Amazing job, and thank you for making it!

Great concept. The jump scare got me the first time seeing it. I feel maybe if there was a bit more eeriness to it like false alarms or random scares to make me feel like I am constantly in danger, then I would have been more on edge. But I enjoy how quick the game was. Some of these games take a long time to play with multiple endings and that can feel like a chore. But this was short and sweet and could be easily replayed! Thank you for the game!

This game excelled at making me and my viewers nervous. The atmosphere and environment were so effective at making me sweat. I only wish the creature was a bit more present. Maybe more noises to make me feel like I am not alone or some false alarms that make me feel like looking everywhere for it. Thoroughly enjoyed this game and I want to play more games like it. Keep up the good work

I do not know why my audio got really low but aside from that I really love these kinds of games. The controls were clean and the idea was fun, I only wish there were more environmental storytelling. Other than that I want to play more games like this! Great job. 

I enjoyed this, I think maybe one of these challenges were a bit too punishing (copium) but I liked that it included different objectives. I never did answer that phone...

You could have put a gun to my head and ask what was going to happen next and I would have said to pull the trigger because this game was unpredictable. I really enjoyed it and only wish it could have been longer. Thank you for making it.

This was so cool. I love games with thought put into them. It left me wanting more enemies and more mechanics to interact with. My heart dropped when I got hit with the first scare. Thank you for making this keep it up!


I was not expecting the perfect spot lol. I feel the game was a bit too bright and maybe could have done with a bit of vision impairment like a fog or time of day. Good game. Keep it up.


You made one of the first actual houses I have ever seen in an game. Most people get lazy and only add like one or two things to a structure butt not you. The environment was super well done. The sound in the game could use some more power. I did not feel like I was in any danger for a good bit of it. But I did enjoy this one. Good job especially for a first game. Keep up the work I look forward to more. :)


This game was so much fun! Hiding was a bit too strong, so even if I made some noise I could very easily take cover behind stuff. But man do I want more of this. Amazing game, fun idea, well executed!

Starts at 23:03
This game has so many features that I wish others would implement. Being able to skip to parts of the game or skip cutscenes made me enjoy running through it a second time. Nothing felt like a chore and I got to say this was one of the better feeling games I have played here. I highly recommend people check this game out.

Starts at 21:55
If I had a fear of being stared at this would have been terrifying to me. The mine could have felt more eerie, but for the most part I felt safe an undisturbed. What I really enjoyed was the end part. It made me think and experiment. Great idea, I had fun playing it.

Starts at 0:41
This game had me sweating, not sure what to expect. The final part made me want to hide. I wish there was a bit more to it, but I really enjoyed the game! Thank you for making it!

Maybe add a bit more story to the game through discovery and environment but other than that this game was solid and made me jump once. The beginning with the search objective felt creative and well done. Good job keep up the great work!

This game was simple and had some good ideas. I did not want to close my eyes. The endings were all very obtainable without having to spend too long replaying the game. Made my viewers very anxious so good job!

This game was really good. And I mean really good. My viewers really enjoyed it and there were times I was to scared to continue. But we finished it in the end. This was such a well made game! Good job!

Such a good concept and it made me want to replay it. And bravo on cutting the music with the item grab. I did not want to walk forward anymore I was terrified!

The art was so good. It has been a while since a games atmosphere brought me so much dread. Everything felt so uncanny it made my heart race. Oh ya and the jump scare had me reevaluate my life, it got me really good.

This game got me when I least expected it. I was having a laugh until I got scared and almost fell out of my chair. This was a clever game and I enjoyed the experience. However I never want to hear eeeeeeeeee ever again. :)

Game was very scary for me. I just had surgery and this was causing my heartrate to elevate a lot. Great game maybe add less sway to the camera when turning. It is the usual house used in most games but man did the ambience spook me. Great job!

This was really fun! The scares were good and made me jump out of my skin while the sound was just odd enough to make me feel uncomfortable and not safe. Maybe put a bit more sketchy figures in to add to the paranoia, but other than that it was really well done.

The mechanics were so good and satisfying! Was not expecting the scare either. Maybe use more sounds to make me feel a bit uneasy or add something outside to make me feel more vulnerable. Great game I highly recommend people try it out!

Great use of atmosphere! There were times I felt a bit claustrophobic and that maybe something was around the corner. But the game could have been a touch louder and maybe add some more noise to make me feel like I am not alone. Other than that I loved the color and use of fears. Great game! It is a fun use of 10 minutes!