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A member registered Nov 01, 2020

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Man, I'm so hyped for this. I loved the other games from the same developer, especially their humour. So this is an instant buy for me. 

I finished chapter one now which already has a lot of content (~3.5 hours).

Despite what others might say, I really enjoyed the art. In the sea of Daz3D games one can play today, it is quite refreshing to see someone aiming for a unique and recognizable look. 

Paired with the general visual presentation (with the occasional "comic panels" or very stylized scenes) I think the graphics work pretty well. Also there are quite a lot of short animation bits, that help make the characters feel alive.

But more important than that, the story and themes of the game are done pretty well. I really liked the whole psychology theme with some scenes that really made me connect to the protagonist (referring to the brilliant inner monologue at the end of the yoga session for example). 

On top of that comes a lot of user interaction compared to other adult visual novels combined with a relatively complex point/skill system that has me intrigued.

Kudos also for the attention to detail, for example in the very elaborate chess matches. 

The only critique I want to express is the pacing that is very slow at points. In a porn game I expect a certain amount of sexual scenes every now and then. This game however has some rather long passages of strictly non-sexual scenes where the game feels more like an all-ages drama rather than an R18 game. As a general direction for the game this is not a problem but a rather welcome change, but the pacing still needs to be varied enough to keep the players engaged.

To summarize my short review: Keep up the good work and keep trying out different stuff. Having some new approaches to the genre is always welcome. I'm looking forward to future updates of the game!

I have to agree with the general consensus here. This game is a fucking masterpiece. After finishing it in around 17 hours, it left me emotional and with a big grin on my face.

The renders and especially animations start out good, but become even better as the game progresses. The animations with their different viewing angles are top notch for AVNs. I love the art style. All the girls are super beautiful. And that signature grin that is often used is so damn sexy.

I also liked the characters of all the girls. Achieving the harem end (although by using the walkthrough to occasionally check if my decisions were correct, without it I definitely would have made some wrong decisions) felt really good and some of the scenes were truly emotional.

I enjoyed the extensive use of background music and sound effects. It really helped setting the mood for the scenes.

Best thing about the game for me was how diverse it is in its settings and moods. There are romantic scenes, there are dramatic scenes, there is a lot of comedy, there is suspense and even horror (even though the horror was occasionally a bit too much for me, I really don't need disfigured monsters and slashed corpses in my porn games). Especially the humor is great. There are so many funny characters and moments. To just name one example, there is this one scene where the members of a certain meeting are introduced (don't want to spoil anything) that I watched multiple times since I found it so funny. The combination of the visual presentation, the character designs and the music is fantastic (I liked it so much that I searched for the music used in that scene and listen to it outside of the game now).

All in all a great game that you should definitely play.

To the author, thank you so much for creating this and for sharing it for free. I will subscribe to your Patreon now since you really deserve payment for this masterpiece. And also thanks for creating that official walkthrough, like I already said, it helped me a lot to achieve the ending I wanted.

P.S. Just one thing, the main menu still says it's version 0.10 which made me think I downloaded the wrong file at first. But it is the final version 1.0, so don't be bothered by that.

Enjoyable little romance game. Not as sexual as the other titles from the developer (this one here is not R18). The character and dialogs are cute. The skill system is a good variation of the standard visual novel gameplay. And it never gets to a point where the grinding starts to annoy you.  

Although this is called version 1.0, be warned that this game is still far from finished (currently about 1.5 hrs of gameplay with a very abrupt ending).

The overall production quality is really good although not too consistent. Some animations are surprisingly well made compared to other adult VNs, while other scenes are animated a bit wonky or not at all. And some of the character models (especially their expressions) are scary as fuck. The MC laughing in the first chapter is absolute nightmare fuel :D

The sound on the other hand is consistently good. There is music in almost every scene with the occasional background noises and moaning.

The story is absolutely all over the place and at points a bit hard to follow (many dream sequences). But it intrigued me and I  definitely want to know how it continues. Also, some of the humor really got me. So I look forward to future updates!

I played half-way through the game now and have to say, it's a pretty unique experience. Although I find it very hard sometimes, it's still fun to play. 

The only thing pretty annoying is the camera constantly clipping into the character model whenever you roll close to an object. That kind of takes away some of the sexiness of the game. Would be really cool if you'd be able to fix this (somehow force the camera to keep a minimum distance to the character). 

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I don't think there is such an option. But you should be good playing the game anyway (see minor story spoiler below).


You learn in the story that she isn't your daughter as your wife cheated on you.

(1 edit)

After enjoying the first game of the same author Apocalypse Mutant Erotica as much as I did, I quickly went and bought this game as well. It is much longer than the first one (~4.5h). Render quality is still not the best (mediocre character models, empty background, very visible difference in quality between still images and animation, animations themselves are a bit stiff, etc.). But I enjoyed the game nevertheless. 

The added resource management system (time and money) was fun and not grindy at all. I achieved the harem end (which I assume is the hardest to achieve) in my first playthrough (just save before the final decision to see all the individual ends as well without playing through the whole game again). But even if you don't manage to achieve that in your first playthrough, there is a New Game+ where you start with a lot of money and sped up progress.

In my opinion, story came a bit short in this game. Every piece of story was clearly  just setting up the next sex scene. But I still enjoyed it and its characters. Also, the humor from the first game is still present. I would have liked to see more scenes like the one where you go out with Boss, Janet and Leah. Those dialog minigames are where the humor really comes through and shines. 

All in all 2$ well spent. A shame that this developer is not better known.

Edit: Also, that twist in the Aisu ending was so fucking hot ;)

Although production quality was not the best (overall render quality, inconsistent backgrounds, spelling and grammatical mistakes), I really enjoyed the game. The characters were loveable and the humor was super good. It doesn't happen too often that I have to laugh out loud while playing an adult game. So thanks for that!

Also, I liked that the game stayed in the 1st person perspective consistently. Other games often randomly switch between 1st and 3rd person. So this was a nice change a helped a lot with immersion, especially during the sex scenes.

But I have to agree with the other comments here that the game is way too short (~2h). So add me to the list of people hoping there will be a part 2 someday.