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A member registered Jan 19, 2017

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I just finished playing the updated version of the game. With just a few changes it felt so much better. Those little sound effects added a lot. No more falling for eternity down endless pits. No more sticking to the sides of blocks. No more falling halfway through the floor during the boss fight. The level design looked nicer too. I still saw a few errors in the debugger:

ERROR: Node not found: raycast-x
   At: scene\main\node.cpp:1520
ERROR: Node not found: raycast+x
   At: scene\main\node.cpp:1520
ERROR: Node not found: 1
   At: scene\main\node.cpp:1520
ERROR: Node not found: 2
   At: scene\main\node.cpp:1520

The errors didn't affect the ability to play the game though, so it was no problem for me. You guys did a good job improving the game in a short amount of time. Keep it up!

I played through your game about 5 times. Here are some observations:

  • I liked the retro design for the game. Kind of Mario-esque, but different enough. 
  • Liked the background music and the sounds. I played a couple of games in this jam that had no sound, and it instantly makes a game feel less full.
  • Wasn't the biggest fan of the auto-walk, but I understand that's a design choice, and it didn't take really take away from the game play that much.
  • The double jump felt a little buggy. Sometimes it wouldn't work.
  • It was cool that you included a highscore board in the game, but that was a little buggy too. Some of the names didn't line up with the correct score.

I think this was pretty good for a first game. Keep developing and refining this game, or take what you learned and apply it to your next game,  and you should have a pretty fun game!

Sorry, realized I should have posted my review here instead of the game page:

I tried playing through the game three times. Here are some observations:

I liked the character design. It was clean, simple, and nice. The movement was okay. I think the walk/run could be a bit faster. The jump mechanic was decent, a little floaty. Rolling felt good. I especially liked that you could initiate the roll mid jump.

I feel like the shooting mechanic could be improved in one of two ways. Either make the animation/shoot timer a little faster or have it so that the longer you hold down the button to shoot the more velocity the arrow has (with some max velocity). 

Adding even some small sound effects would improve the feel of this game greatly. You still have ~9 hours left. Just find some simple sounds for jumping, shooting, enemy dying, etc. Some simple background music would improve it a lot too. 

Now for the parts I did not like/bugs:

There are a few spots where you move downward and there isn't much to indicate that there is going to be ground for you to walk on. I think just raising the ground up a little more in those areas or giving a little more visual indication that you're not going to fall into a pit would make it feel a lot better. Speaking of falling into pits, I fell into one and kept falling for eternity. Try to implement some sort of simple restart mechanic before the jam ends. In the spot where you have to jump onto the individual blocks in the air, when I hit the side of it I stuck on to it instead of falling. 

I wasn't a fan of the boss battle at all. The way the boss attacks was kind of annoying. I liked that his color changed as he took more damage, but I kept shooting and shooting and it never died. I also fell into the floor in the boss fight in two out of the three times I played the game. I also saw this error in the debugger: "ERROR: Object::emit_signal: Error calling method from signal 'animation_finished': 'RigidBody2D(': Method not found."

Overall, I think it was pretty good for a first game jam. I think if you keep working at this prototype you could make a fun to play game out of it!

I tried playing through the game three times. Here are some observations:

I liked the character design. It was clean, simple, and nice. The movement was okay. I think the walk/run could be a bit faster. The jump mechanic was decent, a little floaty. Rolling felt good. I especially liked that you could initiate the roll mid jump.

I feel like the shooting mechanic could be improved in one of two ways. Either make the animation/shoot timer a little faster or have it so that the longer you hold down the button to shoot the more velocity the arrow has (with some max velocity). 

Adding even some small sound effects would improve the feel of this game greatly. You still have ~9 hours left. Just find some simple sounds for jumping, shooting, enemy dying, etc. Some simple background music would improve it a lot too. 

Now for the parts I did not like/bugs:

There are a few spots where you move downward and there isn't much to indicate that there is going to be ground for you to walk on. I think just raising the ground up a little more in those areas or giving a little more visual indication that you're not going to fall into a pit would make it feel a lot better. Speaking of falling into pits, I fell into one and kept falling for eternity. Try to implement some sort of simple restart mechanic before the jam ends. In the spot where you have to jump onto the individual blocks in the air, when I hit the side of it I stuck on to it instead of falling. 

I wasn't a fan of the boss battle at all. The way the boss attacks was kind of annoying. I liked that his color changed as he took more damage, but I kept shooting and shooting and it never died. I also fell into the floor in the boss fight in two out of the three times I played the game. I also saw this error in the debugger: "ERROR: Object::emit_signal: Error calling method from signal 'animation_finished': 'RigidBody2D(': Method not found."

Overall, I think it was pretty good for a first game jam. I think if you keep working at this prototype you could make a fun to play game out of it!

The music was really nice for this game, gotta love Sakura Sakura. Having the game keep track of your best score was a nice touch too, gave you some motivation to play more.

The attack animation was sluggish, I think speeding it up would feel better. I was also able to kill enemies that were clearly out of range of my sword. That part could use some work.

With some work on the graphics and maybe some additional features this could be a pretty fun game.

I really liked the art style in this game. Clean, simple, and stylish. The parallax background looked nice and the effect when the blue guys die was cool too. It could have used some sound effects for walking, jumping, shooting, and enemy death. Some background music would have been nice too.

When I jumped in one of the pits the player doesn't die, you keep moving left/right off screen. Having the player respawn at the beginning of the level would have fixed that. When I was directly behind the box in the beginning of the level the projectile goes through and over the box, which felt a little buggy.

It would be cool to see this game develop into something more after the jam!

The demo was pretty cool, would be interested in playing the final product!

Really fun game!

I'm trying to run Raft on Ubuntu 14.04 but the game will not start.

When I double click on V1.04_Raft_LinuxUniversal.x86_64 a Raft Configuration window is opened that let's me choose resolution and graphics quality. When I click OK the window closes and nothing happens. When I double click V1.04_Raft_LinuxUniversal.x86 instead, nothing happens at all.

I'm sorry if this is a problem on my end and has nothing to do with the game. Any help would be appreciated.