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Wiggling Worm

A member registered Apr 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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I really adore this concept!  I've been playing it non stop since I downloaded it.  I will say that I think a co-op feature would be fantastic for this game as I had a hard time getting used to controlling both the action and the tetriminoes.  The art and the music are great and I'm really excited to keep seeing this through future development!  

Great clone!  I love the art and the animations are fantastic.  Thank you for your efforts comrade!

Great atmosphere!  I love all the sounds of the game and once I got the hang of how it worked it was really fun to play!  I would really love to see more of this from you in the future!  

This game was too fun.  Great design, sound and art. 

Love the Aesthetics you have going on!  Will you be updating this title in the future?  The platforming is fine but I feel like I personally need to get used to the controls.  The lighting and art is so reminiscent of those industrial hellscapes from old school horror games.  Great job!