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A member registered Jan 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

I just liked it and wanted to get a better look and maybe save it.

Where can I find the background image of this page?

It's unfortunate how many disruptive bugs there still are. Nonetheless this is a wonderful little game and I wish the creator nothing but the best in their future artistic endeavours.

This was very cool. 

I also need to point to out that the jester statue with the golden thumb/toe is very familiar to me, as I live in the town where it stands. It's a statue of Till Eulenspiegel, for anyone interested.

Despite there being a lot here, which could be criticized, like the combat feeling a bit grindy and repetitive after a while or the cutscenes moving at a snail's pace, I actually enjoyed this quite a bit. It's like an essential indie game with its unique art style, unconventional narrative (feels extremely real for a video game) and trippy segments. But what's unusual for a game like this, is the cool action-heavy gameplay and it's fun. I only died once on normal, so wasn't too challenging, yet I was pretty engaged for the most part, especially the bossfights got intense. Though kinda annoying that all the language courses didn't really seem to pay off in the end and they made it so I had less money to experiment with the upgrades. Well, maybe in NG+.

Still unsure if I feel like going through it again on a higher difficulty, but I have a looot of respect for this game. It's very competently made and bubbling over with creativity, impressive for such a tiny team.

I should've heeded the warning, that was pretty upsetting. But isn't that the point of art, to make you feel something?

What an annoying waste of time, in the most addicting way possible.

"The bundleID field is missing from pdxinfo."

I will choose not to play this demo because I already know for certain that I'm gonna buy the full release.

The future is now it seems

Hey, at this point you should be able to see that there are many players without a gamepad and still refusing to offer different control options is pretty dickish of you

As someone with a qwertz keyboard, I feel your pain. Many devs just don't seem to think about even though good controls are so crucial to enjoy a game

A lot of fun! 👍👍

I found the male voice actor a bit lackluster and the game is obviously just one big key hunt, but I still think this is a very well done psychological horror game

Ahh Id love to play this but my mouse intensity is going crazy and no options so this isnt gonna work

dude what the heck you're only supposed to play one game a day

hmm i dunno

Probably. After the the first big surge in difficulty, it was kind of a cakewalk

Unfortunately I started dozing off

I don't usually like this game genre, but this was just fantastic

So can you not update the steam version anymore and if so do I have to  buy it again to get the best version?

I'm having the same issue, it seems impossible if you jump down before getting it


Nothing personal, kid

tough, but pulled through. great stuff as always

(didnt feel like an a+ i gotta say)


But for real this game is pretty cool, just very easy once you know how it works.

Hmm can't seem to get the second stage's rhythm right

Thanks, pretty sure I tried that before, but this time it worked. Your stuff is great fun!

338.44 seconds

13 deaths

Can't move on from the ''Powered by'' animation

Definitely enjoyed the game. At first it seems difficult, but health and lives are cheap, so I beat it on my first try. The weird thing was that the last boss exploded for like a minute, after I beat him. That must've been a bug, right?

The download doesn't work for some reason

I may be stupid, but I don't see those VR missions

Dude, this was a crazy journey and although the bosses drew me a little crazy, you did an amazing job with this!

Amazing!! This is a must-play for indie game enthusiasts and it has great vibes. But how do you unlock the Extras? I've already beaten the game in Hard Mode and gotten two different endings

Pretty awesome, but I lack the motivation to persevere