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A member registered Apr 10, 2016 · View creator page →

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Cute little project :)

16 was my best :)

<3 Lovely! Very Fun! Can't wait for more.

(1 edit)

Titan XP is pretty fast. It's not that much slower than the 3070 - I don't think it's the graphics card. - Also, before anyone comments or makes snide remarks, I was gifted the Titan XP by a friend who was part of the nVidia academic elite (he got several).

That said, I can try other browsers and enable/disable hardware acceleration on both and report back.

Thanks for being an open minded developer and not blaming everything on old computer :)


NP. Works great on the newer PC.

  • OS: Windows 11 Pro 22H2 22621.1555
  • PC: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11900K @ 3.50GHz   3.50 GHz - 32GB RAM - nVidia RTX 3070 and SSDs
  • Browser: Firefox v112.0.2 (64-bit) - Extensions: Extensions: uBlock Origin, Bitwarden, Vimium, Bitdefender Anti-Tracker, Tree Style Tab, Dark Reader
  • Antivirus: Bitdefender Plus

NP. This computer is almost 10 years old now I think. I've swapped PSUs, maxed out RAM, swapped HDs with SSDs, etc.

  • OS: Windows 10 Pro 22H2
  • PC: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz  3.39 GHz - 32.0 GB RAM - nVidia Titan XP and SSDs
  • Browser: Firefox 112.0.2 (64-bit) - Extensions: uBlock Origin, Bitwarden, Vimium, Bitdefender Anti-Tracker, Tree Style Tab
  • Antivirus: Bitdefender Plus

I have a much faster machine down in the nerd cave, I can test it there too if you like.

This is cool, the only issue I have is it seems like my arrow keys have an input latency? Like I press a key and have to wait 500ms until something happens?

rad! Will check it soon. 

Fatal error detected: Failed to open script playscii

Please help. I've reinstalled, etc.

(1 edit)

I don't know, but it is in the latest one. v1.2.39 - also yours is better because it is independent of the mouse - left hand = keyboard - right hand = mouse. 

OK great! Thanks!

Not to take anything away from this extension at all, because your extension is awesome, but this is possible in the latest ASEsprite using the mouse wheel, too.

I modified mine to use WIN key combinations:

  • WIN+SHIFT = Mouse wheel adjusts hue
  • WIN+CTRL = Mouse wheel adjusts saturation
  • WIN+ALT = Mouse wheel adjusts lightness

What is the difference between this extension and CTRL+Click on the layer?

You are the man. Thanks for this fantastic extension!

Can you make it "auto-apply" after a short 1 second delay? LOL *lazy*

You are so king.

This is incredible. You created a CRT and ANSI parser in event sheet construct style. I am speechless. WELL DONE

You rock Kacper.

this is great! Thanks!


Don't even worry about the timing :) I bought all your stuff. I am very happy to leave you positive encouragement messages. I know being a developer, especially for this kind of niche plug-in eco-system you work in, can be thankless. I know I save a lot of time and because of that time savings, can focus more on what matters: the creative process.

Appreciate you CarbsCode, please keep up the great work :)

Phenomenal work. I can stop using other singular scripts for some of these things like export layers. You rock!

Ah OK. I thought there was an installer. The app makes it seem like there is even for stuff that does not have one. Apologies :)

VecMaker community » Report Bugs · Created a new topic Can't install

Tried to install said it wasn't valid something (I clicked away too fast sorry)

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Hey there! Just bought Deepdown, it's sick. I love it. How do we use tags? How do we use categories?

Is this export size a feature coming soon? Thanks.

Also is there a link to the palettes used in the dropdowns? That would be very handy.

Hi :) I simply adore your PixaTool app. It's fantastic. I wonder, is there formal documentation anywhere besides the tutorials on YouTube and in here? Are there hot keys for the app besides those listed for H]ide, and F]ullcreen?

Many thanks for this awesomeness. <3

This is the coolest thing I've seen since TheDraw 4.63 for DOS :)

thanks :)

Point 2 Yep. Exactly it creates a colour ramp. Starting at the first and ramping to the second. In this way you can be guaranteed a good in between colour. :)

A few more inspiring moments to share with the developer:


Forgot to mention, it's inspired by this original work:

I drew this:

Actual size:

This tool will turn anyone into a pixel artist, but also help aspiring artists become much better at pixel art simply because it's immediate, simple, gorgeously designed, and the premise - tracing paper on anything, in pixel mode with snap to ratio of perfect pixels, is perfect.

Few wishes for the developer:

1. Please let the pipette color picker pick THROUGH the frame somehow. (significant productivity increase would have happened here, but I also like how it forced me to really work for the colors :))

2. If you could provide some kind of color mixer, between two sample colors, that would be awesome.

3. Would love to see palette support or swatches support of some kind - so we could use that palette to practice our artwork on different subject matter.


Excellent tunes man. Love the covers in chiptune style. Keep up the great work :) Followed you on Soundcloud. Which trackers do you use if any?
