I'm at the part where I have to remove her bra or panties, but it won't let me, the scene where she wakes up is repeated, I read the instructions and it says Midnight in her bedroom (Melatonin). Someone help me hahaha. I get out of stock every time I try(If only I could control sleep)
Hello, a question, why I no longer get missions to do? or is it only Demo and the full content must be purchased? I only get (Wait). To clarify that I only did about 9 or 10 missions.
Hey a question, with the arrival of this new update 18.0, was the problem of Maria at level 30 corrected? or is there still a problem with that character?
Of course, look, I already went through the mission to protest freedom for the elves, so after that, I get that I have a mission with Maria, but she doesn't let me do anything, I go around the hotel and the city and nothing
Hello, hey, a question, it doesn't let me move forward after the strike mission to free the elves, I go around the entire hotel, I talk to all the characters and nothing, is it because the update is missing or am I doing something wrong? ?