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A member registered Jan 11, 2019

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Thank you kindly.


Might be a little too in character on this...

...so what kinda game is Valor?

Description here on store page seems... lacking...

Thank you.


Discord link does not work.

...might wanna type more description.

Like ANY more.

I have got a MEAL that I need you to FLAVOUR.

Special Requirements: Must not contain garlic, must not become spicy.

...no info on THIS game?

Any plans for Android version?

(2 edits)

Idea I just had: Combo this with Game Breakers (also by Sabrina Hawthorne).

Feels right to me. Feels like you'd get a fairly good result.

Mechanics similar enough I feel you could do drag and drops and have minimal edits required.

(1 edit)

...okay idea I JUST had:

Replace the classes with the ones from Fantasy Heartbreaker (by same creator, Sabrina Hawthorne), mechanics similar enough I think you could literally do a drag and drop and have minimal changes you need to make.

I could even see it just being called "Cloud's Edge", same as the in-universe game.

(1 edit)

Glad to hear you appreciate all that I have to say.

I also fancy myself a bit of a homebrewer, so, with any luck I might have some stuff to add at some point once I've thought on Fantasy Heartbreakers for long enough of a time!

Also debating combining it with some Jesse Galena stuff I that like, so that's A Thing most certainly.

(5 edits)

Noted. I'm not used to TTRPGs besides D&D having such gaps, and D&D... is criticized for being bad at choosing what gaps to leave in and which to fill, so the idea you might've left that on purpose as intentional design just hadn't crossed my mind.

Also your various answerings to my first question somewhat pre-answered my 3rd that was 1+2, of Specialist using higher Psionics, so that is nice. Option 1 I'm not seeing making sense for that, as that brings us back to question 1 in a way, so 2 or 3 I feel I lean more toward now. 2 for simpleness 3 if 2 proves overly powerful to perform.

Thank you so much for your patience.

(5 edits)

Thank you but I meant Guile is tier 2, so Psionic's tier 3, suppose I should have clarified I was phrasing it as [Tier X Tag] and not [Tag Tier X]. How does Tier 3 Psionic handle Tier 2 Guile's "You have a Trick that applies to a single Approach; invoke it before you roll to gain +2."? That quite explicitly mentiones Approaches does. Do I, like, replace Approach with Effect...?

Edit: And what of the Every 4th Level benefits of The Specialist? Is a Class Tag of another class they take first tier of then treated as a Specialty? If so then can they increase the Tier of it on future levels? If sonthen how's that  deal with Effects/Approaches?

How does Psionic interact with Effects and Approaches?

If I Psionic tier 2 Guile, how does that work?

Just glad to have that clarified.

Though I guess also good to know there gonna be a next update to get it fix.

(1 edit)

Hey, question on Prepare, was that meant to be decrease your friction by 2? Why would you wanna spend a token to up your friction?

(1 edit)

This game feels like fertile ground for a homebrewing scene.

Also I can almost imagine "megaheists" where you've many artifacts to gather for a common employer and it shatters the scales chart within the document proper.

Thank ye!

If you see anything you wanna toss in that revamp of yours, feel free to swipe and alter and whatnot!

(10 edits)

Express Changes:

Type is now purely flavor, all Summons get +1/-1 to any pair of stats (including both same to negate them both).

Big Bodied gives +5 HP every 4 levels instead of 1d4 every 2

All d costs listed for Summons are to be ignored, now costs of both Summons and Items are 200d×their Point Costs. So, a Small Treat is 200, a Tasty Treat is 400, and a Delicious Treat is 600. RokkChikk is also 600, Kwombat is 1000, Raveneor is 2800, Terratoise is 4000, and buyable equals to Verdelk and Wyvorm would be 8000.

All 4 Stat shift Potions now do +1/-1 instead of +2/-2 and only cost one Point for each instead of two.

Multi-Strike additional Points now add 2 more strikes instead of +1d2 damage per strike. The increase in d2s is same, but this befits Multistrike more, plus more averaging out on accuracy.

Interperetations of arguable ambiguities:

Unstable Health Booster is "Overheal", you can have 20 "Overheal" at maximum, and you cannot "heal" it through regular heal methods, once it's gone only more Unstable Health Boosters replenish it.

DiskTEK centers revive 1 Summon per 500.


MP restore items! For 1 Point, get a Sweet Sip that replenishes 1 MP. For 2 Points, get a Cold Drink that replenishes 1d2 MP. For 3 Points, get a Grand Gulp that replenishes 1d4 MP.

Skill Converter item! Costs 3 Points, can take 1 Normal Skill a Summon has and "refund" it, giving back ALL Points spent on it to be reused for making or improving other Skills.

Added Abilities:

Rambunctious: If enemy rests, only recovers 1d8 Health and 1 MP of a move.

Sweet Dreamer: When Resting, can replenish 1 MP for 2 Skills instead of 2 MP for 1. [Note: Cannot be used if the current opponent has Rambunctious]

Restless: Summon cannot rest, but gains 2 extra points to use for Skills and 10 Health.

Ultrimate: Has 2 Ultra Skill Points instead of 2 Skill Points initially, cannot gain normal Skill Points (can still gain Ultra Skill Points), +1 additional Stat Point every 2 levels.

Momentous: Speed gives no Initiative bonus and gives 10 Movement per Point instead of 5.

One Note: -1 Points to 4 DIFFERENT Stats, +4 (EDIT: 5) Points to 1 DIFFERENT Stat.

EDIT: Skilled: -1 to all stats, +3 Skill Points, +1 Ultra Skill Point

Surplus Skills:

Panic (Attack, 6 MP, Self): Roll 1d4; on 4, select 1 other Skill this Summon has and use it without spending MP from it. Each additional Point gives this Skill 1 MP.

Swing Recklessly (Attack, 0 MP Close Range): Does not need MP to be used. Deal 1d6 damage to target and user. Additional Points add +1 to hit.

Counter (Attack, 6 MP, Self): Until the start of your next turn, if this Summon is hit by a damaging  Close Range Skill, it gets one strike in before the effects of the Skill it was hit with can set in. The Summon that struck this Summon takes 1d2 damage. Additional Points add additional d2s.

Muscle Mirror (Attack, 5 MP, Self): User performs the last Attack Skill any enemy Summon successfully hit it using. Additional Points give +1 MP.

Summon See Summon Do (Attack, 1 MP, Long Range): Has -6 to hit. Gain a copy of the last Skill the target used this Match, minus any additional Points the target has spent improving it, until the end of this Match. Additional Points to this Skill add 1 MP to this Skill.

Scramble (Magic, 3 MP, Close Range, Self): Opponent raises or lowers 1 Stat of target by 1, then user does the same. Each additional Point gives this Skill 1 MP.

Accurse (Magic, 3 MP, Close Range): Has -6 to hit. Reduce target's Attack, Magic, Defense, and Speed by 1. Additional Points give +1 to hit, and every 6th additional Point reduces enemy Stats by 1 more.

Magic Mirror (Magic, 5 MP, Self): User performs the last Magic Skill any enemy Summon successfully hit it using. Additional Points give +1 MP.

Memorize (Magic, 1 MP, Long Range): Has -6 to hit. Gain a copy of the last Skill the target used this Match, minus any additional Points the target has spent improving it, until the end of this Match. Additional Points to this Skill are applied to the Skill copied.

Maybe, maybe!

Personally I see it as less a stall build and moreso a "Turn O. P. builds against themselves" build.

I can just imagine a Summon built with low Health and Speed, plenty of accuracy drops from ability and skill choice, and but so much Sheer Damage and Defence and perhaps even healup too as to have the strategy "Wait for the high roll while being invincible."

And, by how Confusion reads to my eye, seems it bypasses enemy Rs when triggered!

Now, a high HP high accuracy build would have no such worries... but it won't be cleaving through my Summons in a single connecting attack, nor basically irrelevancing any attempts I'd make at hurting it.

Did get the Gaza bundle, yes.  And, I suppose I could share ideas of mine someplace. If nowhere else, maybe just as a topic on these store pages.

(1 edit)

Huh, normal comments instead of the like community topic posts thing on the other pages.

I made a Summon with no direct damage moves just Confusion and Blind and I love that that is okay.

I love so much that I can have a summon that makes the opponent hit themself as their sole means of damaging.

And if my opponent tries to just wait it out then my Summon can rest to replenish MP, so my opponent has no real choice but to go for the gamble.

I love so much that the game will just Allow that.

(1 edit)

If you do revamp I'll gladly get it!

I just saw it seemed the expansions repeated the original doc, so it felt more like 2nd edition to me.

Wanted to know if I was missing anything. I do have stuff I'd change in spots, even arguably a couple of big bits, but, honestly I think I'd like to wait and see if anything more concrete comes about whethee or not you do in fact revamp before I publish any of it.

I'm under no delusion that any ideas I have would be beyond your ability to have, and I don't wanna risk people bein' mean to you if they find a thing I posted up after you do revamp and we just by coincidence thought similar on a few things.

As for hiding original, could maybe keep it as like a demodoc or somesuch, a "here's a purposely older/less refined version to help you decide if you want to buy" maybe, like a ttrpg "demo" in a sense.

This feels more like it makes the original doc non-relevant than just "expands" on it.

What does the original Disk Masters document tell that these "expansions" don't retell? Feels more like a second edition than like expansions.

(1 edit)

Welcome, noticed also it applies to other version as well, both V and P.

(2 edits)

Wait, so are we still doing a d20 roll to see if it goes off even after hatching...?

I feel more confused than before...

(1 edit)

Thank you suppose, will check that out!

Immediate edit: JPG version works, thank you!

Full text: "

Mysterious Glitch (Each day, roll a 1d20. If it lands on a 20, the glitch becomes an additional Summon of your own creation. Every two days, gain 1 point to add to your Summon's stats when it is born. 3 points.)"

How does "Every two days" interact with "when it is born"? I am Very Very Confused.

Text seems to get messed up for me? Escapes confines of the table boxes and overlaps with other text a lot, makes some bits tough to read.

(10 edits)

Highly sparse, could be very interesting to expand on.

And, being about hackers modders and speedrunners, making fan expansions to the game would actually be pretty fitting!

Also, Cloud's Edge "being unstable at the best of times" feels unsupported by the mechanics, maybe a cheatless roll should have some small chance to lower stability despite being a cheatless roll...?

Likely better seen as a core to build onto than as purely standalone as-is, though definitely playable and most probably set to be enjoyable for anyone who'd bother reading the comments on it at all.

Maybe could even theme the fan expands around DLC or somesuch, for theming's sake.

Edit: On further reflection: Failing a roll, whether cheating or not, could be a -1 Stability, to reflect the "unstable at the best of times" aspect, passing with a cheat could have no Stability effect, and passing Cheatless can be a +1. Flavourwise, success would be either getting lucky with Stability (cheatless) or managing to barely hold the game together while doing a bypass (cheating)

Also: can have it so you can do a Cheat roll against 7 minus Current Stability to bump the Stability by 2, maybe? Not 100% on this.

I do feel that there should definitely be a way for a failed roll to affect Stability ever.

(1 edit)

See, here's the thing:

I got bored before I could be convinced that the auras and/or dragon should even be a part of this at all.

Game takes too long to make me care. Does a bad job of convincing me that it's better to hear about all of that than it woukd be to have a version of this game where none of that's even canon.

What makes all this better than just "Angels took you, there is no combination of actions that will ever tell you why they did that or how, just go deal with it."?

...bit overlored. I dunneed to know about demon dad and the history of demonnapping and that I was carried with gloves and on and on and honestly the internal monologuing was also a tad much maybe just focus on "This is the Action you're Taking"?

I know answer's probably "no", but, any chance of android app?

(2 edits)

Part of me wants a game where that wouldn't be needed, if that makes any sense. A sorta anti-platformer of sorts, with the opposite of precision. Least, that's what I learned from playing with this.

A game that wants you gliding about on momentum as your regular default state, perhaps where any platforms you'd want to land on are big enough that your "stop gliding" is just faceplanting.

Maybe a version where one of the modes is actually doable whem not distracted? 0/10

Thank you kindly, am quite surprised something like this is even theoretically possible to be honest! Very Confuse.