Recent community posts
Thank you! I've already gone through the tutorial series, or at least what there is of it. Was very nice and makes me even more excited to save up for this!
New battle types sounds VERY in line with my interests personally, so I am quite eager to see how that part goes once you get around to said part!
Also, good to hear Dokimon is in a place where this year is on the table for release dates! Hope it goes well!
In the "this bundle includes" list, 3rd from bottom (between dokimon OST and the Nuumon beta) is now broken, no sure if you're working on that or somesuch so figured I'd say just in case.
Also, is this a limited time offer with a set end date, or can we expect this to stay up for a good long while?
Edit: Decided might as well ask anither question, any notable features that are still considered incomplete? What's still being made or not even began on, as opposed to the fully implemented stuff?
Fresh comment now that the 300dpi version functions for me:
I honestly respect the lack of a mana replenishment mechanic. You get 10 mana to cast out-of-specialty elements and cause effects, and that is it. And since you only ignore your element and not the effects, there's no such thing as costless spells. At absolute best you can cast 10 single effect spells of your one special element, at worst you write the most expensive spell castable and burn your 10 mana all at once.
(Fun fact: 5 effects and 5 elements costs exactly 10 mana before specialty, can add a 6th element or effect if one of the elements is your specialty for al 11 mana spell that only charges 10. 1 effect and all 10 elements makes a 11 cost spell than anyone can burn all 10 of their mana on for one effect that calls on all 10 elements! Conversely, all 10 effects and 1 element makes a spell only castable by a specialist of that element, only as their first spell, and likewise only as their last. But it will be quite the casting.)
Seeing as the goal is to pass the book on to other casters, this nonreplenishable mana source can make for a sort of ticking clock for casters. You've only so much magic to give, before the book needs someone else to use it. I look forward to incorporating that into my stories.
This combined with the simple spellcrafting procedures makes me think this was fairly well crafted as a system. It gives the feeling that a lot of thought went into every one of the few words it offers us.
Edit: I have made and casted as one of my characters the spell of "Infinite Time", the element Time plus all 10 effects simultaneously. Twas a short run, but a good one. And now the bandits have the book.
...okay idea I JUST had:
Replace the classes with the ones from Fantasy Heartbreaker (by same creator, Sabrina Hawthorne), mechanics similar enough I think you could literally do a drag and drop and have minimal changes you need to make.
I could even see it just being called "Cloud's Edge", same as the in-universe game.
Glad to hear you appreciate all that I have to say.
I also fancy myself a bit of a homebrewer, so, with any luck I might have some stuff to add at some point once I've thought on Fantasy Heartbreakers for long enough of a time!
Also debating combining it with some Jesse Galena stuff I that like, so that's A Thing most certainly.
Noted. I'm not used to TTRPGs besides D&D having such gaps, and D&D... is criticized for being bad at choosing what gaps to leave in and which to fill, so the idea you might've left that on purpose as intentional design just hadn't crossed my mind.
Also your various answerings to my first question somewhat pre-answered my 3rd that was 1+2, of Specialist using higher Psionics, so that is nice. Option 1 I'm not seeing making sense for that, as that brings us back to question 1 in a way, so 2 or 3 I feel I lean more toward now. 2 for simpleness 3 if 2 proves overly powerful to perform.
Thank you so much for your patience.