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H Malinowsky

A member registered Feb 28, 2017 · View creator page →

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The message ''Your PayPal account needs to be reconnected'' stills appears, but I think I am still connected to the old PayPal thing. But I am not totally sure.

''If you’re having issues with the business account requirement and you’re not located in the United States please reply here with the country your account is located in. I’m working with our PayPal rep to see if we can implement an alternate solution that doesn’t require a business account, but would only be available in some countries. I need to collect a list of countries where people have had issues. You don’t need to reply if I already have your country listed here: Brazil, Poland, Russia, Portugal, Germany''

leafo, yes, I am from Brazil, and I can confirm that Paypal in this new way will not work well. There is some things like ''CNPJ'' that would make Inviable to a very small developer maintain his sales. So, I hope you can fix that. Thank you for the hard work.