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A member registered Nov 14, 2021

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Ah yes so I can now insult in game characters by pulling out my in game phone and playing in game phone games just for that extra insult. I know it's probably not in the mod but it'd be hilarious.


Go to the backstreets club, then go to the beach. Good luck from there, took me hours.

Thirteen days. Hope you're doing alright, Dev.

I'm starting to love this month. A lot of games are getting new chapters and now Mythic Manor too? Still sucks that it's fourteen days away but I've waited this long I can wait a little longer.

The game MBML got voted to take the lead in development a long time ago, so it gets somewhere between 3-5 updates for every 1 that Sicae (LCC) gets. So we gotta wait for it.


You know, I can't say I was expecting Salad with a bat. But I really should of been expecting it.

They updated the versions at the download site. I had the same confused thought before double checking.

No cliff hanger. Much sadness.

That is EXACTLY why I was worried about reading too far into it. Being left on a cliff hanger and having to wait for the next chapter. Thank you, Story Anon.

I'm debating between playing the game again at Chapter 45 or wait until Chapter 50. I stopped at 40 so it's just a question of how much I want to torture myself because the story is. that. fucking. good. Like it's in my top 3 if not number 1.

In the wise words of.... someone who did terrible things: Hold on this whole operation was your idea.

The scene with Gwen at the pool makes me both so sad, and extremely angry. I may only be able to bring myself to do the good run but so help me I will tear the Org apart brick by brick.

The public release will be in November of next year?!


Too be fair. Tax purposes.

I may not know you but I wish you luck.


Can't wait. See ya again on Oct 21st after I get done yelling into the void at whatever cliff hanger you leave us on this time. ^-^

I never expected a game called 'Harem Hotel' would give me the dread, joy, and determination to see it threw that has been done to me.

I can not begin to express how enjoyable this is. The lore, politics, and intrigue going on make this an EASY 10/10 game.

Just when I was thinking 'I wish some of the games I like would get updates' I see this. Hats off to you Raybae Games.

Honestly it was starting to be difficult to remember who did what in the story and who had what goals and motivations. After completing the last part of Serenity Chapter 2 I felt like I had to immediately go and replay chapter 1 or I'd be more confused in the future.

Well I arrived having 100% of my body intact. I left with at least less than 99%. And now I gotta wait for the next update. Why can I not pace myself?


Jokes a side as long as it comes out sometime this century I'll be happy.

Please ignore the red threads behind me. I've been theorizing what'll happen next.

Well thirteen days after my birthday. Still glad to see they're releasing.

FINALLY! *Explodes*

Can't wait to see it. Hope you're taking care of yourself and not overworking.

I can't be the only one who actually wants to listen to 'In your arms again' on repeat.

Seven days.

I just wanna say. Thank you for changing the column's color. It's much easier to look at now and I think it fits well. That's all.

I got maybe ten lines into it and was just like 'Nope nope I don't want to hurt these people. They all deserve happiness'

Well I wish I could say I thoroughly enjoyed the game but after I got majority of the girls at maximum affection for this version it started to repeatedly crash my laptop. Couldn't get through an event and sleep without it crashing.

I'd like to congratulate Story Anon on making a game where I don't have much decision over the story and the fact actually makes my stomach turn. I never knew just have to click to the next chapter could make me so terrified of what'll happen.

Anyone else getting a message saying to increase your relationship with Irene and Minia?

That cliffhanger ugh! I want to keep playing but there's nothing to play. Also I'm almost certain that the numbers Skylar sent was a encrypted message. However it makes no sense when placed into a substitution cipher.

Last thing I was expecting today was V17 to come out.

If I have only one gripe about the game it's the fact that the saves don't keep the names you give them if you try to save in that slot again. Even if you title it the exact same it doesn't copy the name. That is all. Everything else is amazing. The story is heartfelt and realistic in a way that you can forget that you aren't the MC at times and laugh, cry, and even get angry at the exact same stuff the MC does without it feeling like 'Oh I need to feel [Insert] now.' Really great work.

What's everyone's favorite part of the game so far? Personally as weird as it sounds I find the addition of the cat and dragon in the background of scenes hilarious.

On a separate note. I can't be the only one who feels like the MC needs to make somethings up to Lucy.

Finished 0.1.2 for the second time. Now just to grind out so much silver and gold that I never have to get money again.