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A member registered Aug 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Ah, unfortunately I wouldn't know why it's doing that. I hope things work out with the file and that you are able to try the game!

I am not familiar with the itch desktop, but the issue might be that the game file needs to be extracted before you can play it. Unfortunately, the game isn't playable directly on your browser, but you should be able to download it and run the file just fine. Apologies for the technical problems!

Ah! The reveal secret button is just there as a joke, its not possible to select it. It's a text swap of the "formation" button which is included in RPG Maker to be able to switch around the order of your party and is inaccessible because there is only one character in the game. I decided to put some cryptic text there for some fun, sorry about the confusion!

Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I'm super glad you enjoyed the game!! I hope to be able to make another (hopefully longer) game in the future. Your video was great!!