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A member registered 14 days ago

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The dialogue was really good, the characters had their personalities, and their art style was really cute <3 I did find a small bug, so I'm letting you know in some cases there were more dialogue options than 9, and for a moment I thought I wouldn't be able to advance in the story (cannot press 10), but then when I pressed "q" it worked, and "w" worked for 11th dialogue option (it happened in the Turtle dialogue and with the Swan if I remember correctly). Overall your game was really fun to play :) Good job

It was fun to play. You made cute little crabs and I'm a fan of that singular big duck that appears later in the game. In terms of improvements, I would appreciate some static visual landmarks in the background, like maybe some trees, palms, dunes, stones or cacti - for more varied visuals, and better feedback on the player's speed (sometimes I was not aware that I was going so fast until I saw a cliff :D). I liked the music too, it suited the game. Please, make more! :) <3