You should try Once In A Lifetime when you have time. It's another game of the author with a different story but in the same timeline as that's where president Stabb and Hiromi in Asia (mentioned in 0.8) came from, with both games have easters of the other.
A member registered Nov 17, 2018
Recent community posts
I've been a returning commenter since 0.5, and this man never disappoints! I could never even guess how the story would progress, and it always surprises me. Never a moment of dullness, always on the edge. I do not wish to spoil the fun for others but all I can say is that I wholeheartedly recommend this game. And I'm very eager to learn what's to come in 0.8. Thank you Cari, see you next patch.
Nick Bounty and The Dame with the Blue Chewed Shoe comments · Posted in Nick Bounty and The Dame with the Blue Chewed Shoe comments