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A member registered Jan 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey thank you so much for playtesting the game, which is still in development. The game isn't aimed at a particular age bracket, to be honest. Because the goal is to allow everyone that pick it up to improve, if possible, their typing skill/speed. The main character cannot take damage (no health bar) however falling from heights when platforming can slow down your progress which is mainly to acquire as many story books that are spread out through the open world. The animals that have exclamation points (where they visible when starting the game?) are there to present the goal to the player. Books are scattered on the ground but most are high up and to get them you'll have to get rid of the ghouls that stand in your way and activating movable platforms. Did you stream/record your playtest by any chance? Thanks any way for the input, it's very appreciated!

Simple and it works. I like that you can make enemies fall off the edge. Nice touch. :)

You can do it here too, if you wish, no worries, in a comment. I don't mind. :)

(1 edit)

Hey thank you! If you want you can give me your feedback in the #feedback channel of my discord channel

Thank you so much for your gameplay video! I will give more context and make it more easy to understand the goals of the game. :)

E buono!

Inputs are kind of bad.

Nice voice acting and pretty solid game play interaction/animations!

Very nice short game (10-15 minutes), it shows that you put your heart in the game. The camera movement might need some adjustments, but the atmosphere as a whole is pretty nice and the animations/cinematics as well. Pretty nice voice narrating, helped with the storytelling!

Very nice short game (10-15 minutes), it shows that you put your heart in the game. The camera movement might need some adjustments, but the atmosphere as a whole is pretty nice and the animations/cinematics as well. Pretty nice voice narrating, helped with the storytelling!

Thanks so much for playing!

Thanks so much my friend!

Hello, I completed this project during a 72 game jam for which the theme was fairy-tales. The young girl is transported to this snowy valley and she has to find and collect several books of tales that her brother used to read to her. Had a lot of fun working on it, learned a lot as well. Hope whoever plays it, will enjoy it. Suggestions are very welcome as well.



Nice little 10-15 min game! I like the world design and the dialogue.

Good game, just gotta get gud.

Yeah, moving or touching, it means you feel an emotion (sadness, empathy) strongly.

Thank you, yes the goal for now is just to try and find a specific room in the Underwater station. The stairs are not yet climbable but am working on that mechanic. The room is accessible at the other end of the station. Anyways thanks for the comment! I will upload a better working, more fully fledged build very soon!

Thank you for making this interactive game! Very moving.

Really really appealing! I spent at least 45 min in the game, just exploring. The level/word begs to be explored more. I wonder if it's just me or collecting the orbs, which are so nicely placed, gives you a movement boost? Anyway, very nice sound track and world building! Inspiring really!

Very much like the atmosphere and interactable mechanic. Wasn't really expecting the ending, so good job!

Pretty nice game! I had some screen stuttering issues, it would freeze for a second and continue playing afterwards. The box colliders might be too big for the fish that we have to avoid because they get triggered even if we're not touching the object, as in the sub is close but not that close that it would warrant a collision being triggered.

Pretty nice game! I had some screen stuttering issues, it would freeze for a second and continue playing afterwards. The box colliders might be too big for the fish that we have to avoid because they get triggered even if we're not touching the object, as in the sub is close but not that close that it would warrant a collision being triggered. 

Love the maze like level design and some very well placed collectibles that make it so worthwhile for unlocking the endgame cinematic which was a delightful as the intro one. Also enjoyed very much the soundtrack, very relaxing and it puts the player in an exploring mood. Really, an effective level design for such a short jam! :)

Thank you for the comments, it means a lot! Yes I will be working on it more. I hope to make it a truly complete project.

(1 edit)

Hello, thanks for the supportive comments! I have actually fixed the camera issue and now it should work again fine. No more stutters. I will work on the game to add more interactions. :) You can download the newly updated build, which is also smaller than the first one.

cool exploration game! I loled at the dancing Viking. Hilarious!

Nice game haha! I got hooked in the story. You win!

Love the ambiance in the game! Nice work!!! 

Thank you for making and sharing this game. 

very awesome looking game for an indie

Oh thank you so much, I watched your video entirely! My game isn't very intuitive yet or the player isn't properly guided yet, when you started playing there is a skeleton next to a boat. That's where the narration starts and guides you through the game. I'm working on making it more obvious with an intro and other features. Thanks so much though for covering it in your video, it's my first game!

Hi, bellow is a link of the first exploration game I made, which is still in development. The story is not yet fully fledged out but I will be working on it. The game is free so if anyone wants to try it that would be great.

Stories from the Valley

You sir/madam, are absolutely right.