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A member registered Aug 01, 2023

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is this game done for or are you just taking a break for it

question how do I download this in iPhone in nee to iPhone and can’t figure out how to download the game 

this better be the best game in the world because I did not just buy an iPhone to play this game and then it is actually be bad

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It's optional if you don't want incest then don't follow the path for those characters it's that simple 

The game is actually pretty good good job dev

First you are over exaggerating I never said that the game was bad in any way and second I did see that she was a robot it literally says race android I can read I simply thought that is was funny that it said age 7 when she looks older and yes I do know that it's a robot and the age 7 just means it was made 7 years ago

Well that was his last year of highschool and it was close to the end of the year so that typically means he was 18 unless his birthday is in the summer and since the MC is 23 currently and collage usually takes 4 years that means he was indeed over the age of 18 when him and Gwen first did it

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I'm on android

When I download the game and then try to open the file it says I can't open it please help

Well at the start you can go for multiple girls but you will only end up with one at the end

That bad?

Dose that shit say age 7

First how the fuck are these girls not pregnant I have done all of them at least like 5 times what is happening and second making it so that you have to pay for the flashbacks is crazy not going to lie make everything free like I get you have to make money but damn this game has Already been finished for a while

Is this game finished?

You should try and talk with caribdis pretty cool person I bet he would help you out no problem he made a game called eternum join there discord and talk to him I bet he would help with the game not a I'm not saying he will because he is also working on a game but you never know 

Bro how the  heck does your phone not  have more then 11 GB

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Why is Kate not one of the girls we can get and are you going to add different endings for all of the girls or just some of them

Why are you not doing Android anymore?

Why not?

Never thought I would say this but you actually make me like reading it's that crazy 

Is this game finished?

I must of clicked to not get it with my bigg ass fingers

my I must be slow it was like 3am for me

I have a question so when we meet the founder I took that thing he offered that was apparently made it so we couldn't die but in the 0.6 update when you tie the votes with everyone it kills all of all of the players and it also killed me but I'm not sure how that's possible when I had the thing that made it so I couldn't die so im confused was the founder lieing or is that lasers just strog as fuck and can kill even the founder himself please explain 

Like I want this to go on steam but like it cost so much to put it on there and so you probably will have to make it cost money that if figure out some on game currency or something like that but that for  the future you but for now keep doing what you do best end give use a good story

Why is this game better then most of the games on steam and why is the story and the animation better then more then half of the games on there it's crazy how good you are at making these games keep up the game job soon you will be helping out/making some of the best games on there 



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Yes today but at 3pm today depends on where you live I guess 


Question how are you doing and make sure to not over work yourself

You are over reacting just hit the Skip button and pick the same stuff you picked the first time and you will get back to were you where it's not that serious buddy

Is 0.6 the the end of the game or is there still more to the story 

The first time you get to eternum with Annie you have to go explore when you get the option and i forgot everything else you can always use the walkthrough 

(5 edits)

When I played once in a life time I thought it was the best nsfw game like I loved that game and not because of the H scenes but because of the story it was just so entertaining and the when I started playing eternum I was thinking to myself that there was no way that games was  going to be better but I was so wrong I love the story and you even improved the H scenes the story is amazing and  again I think that the game is a work of art it's just crazy to me how the story gets 10 times better every update who's your favorite character mine is nova can't wait until you finish the game and I cant wait to see what you next project will be this game is so far amazing it gets 10/10  would definitely recommend