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A member registered Jan 15, 2018 · View creator page →

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Curti demais, tem potencial pra virar um projeto comercial. Parabéns!

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Thank you!

Thank you!

Thanks for playing! And thank you for you feedback!

Awesome! I hope you enjoy it! xD

Thank you very much!

Thank you!

Thanks for playing! "Alarmhead" is a game that I've developed a few months ago, and recently I'm scheduling to start developing the sequel "Alarmhead 2". This kart game was kinda of a test project that I had a chance to make, thanks to GMTK Jam, and I've used a few models that may be present on the sequel for the main series. And about the ending, I've never thought about the fact that they're kinda ''joining'' at it, which proves that this game can have many interpretations.

Thank you! This game was a crazy idea I had with a friend of mine, so I tried and ended up on this VHS ''cursed tape'' kinda project.

You have cars, and you have horror, those two are different game genres, so it kinda fits.

Thank you!

Thank you! Actually, you just have to survive the enemies until the door is fully open, but do a lap would be a wonderful detail too.

Thank you!

Thank you! About the jam theme, it's sort of a horror game with ''racing'' aspects, that's why the enemies chase you on karts, and also they way it fits on the jam theme. 

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you for you feedback! And yeah, I wanted to bring that ''cursed tape'' vibe to the game, and add a little bit of comedy with the karts, and since the jam is about things ''joined together'' it worked pretty well on the theme, plus, I wanted to test some other things, which ended up on this kinda retro vhs style game. And since it's a jam, I did it as a short game, so everyone should manage to finish it at time. Thanks for playing!

Yes, you can! And about the startup screen, I wanted to give a realistic feel of a VHS tape, and it takes a little bit for the tape to start a VHS player. Thanks for playing!

It fits! It's sort of a horror game with ''racing'' aspects, that's why the enemies chase you on karts. And I'll check out ''The Car'' movie. Thanks for playing!

Thanks! It's sort of a horror game with ''racing'' aspects, that's why the enemies chase you on karts. There's a bunch of things mixed on this project to be honest.

Thanks for playing!

Thank you!

Thanks! The enemies have a certain trick, where you can lure them to a certain side, and run past to another.

I've tried to test a bunch of things on this project, so it turned to be a smooth short game, with some weird ''cursed/dork'' tape thing. Thanks for playing!

Thank you!

Opa, obrigado por jogar! Sobre os comandos, foi alguma coisa no código, tentei de tudo mas não consegui corrigir, ai meio que ficou como um ''peso extra'' na jogabilidade do carro. Sobre o final, é basicamente um game na fórmula endless runner, feito apenas para relaxar e ouvir a musica, a pontuação de metros foi apenas algo mais pra não deixar o jogo muito vazio.

Hey, thanks for your feedback! And thanks for playing as well! The game is planned to be sort of a trilogy, this one being it's first chapter, but I'm planning to add a little bit more content for it, just to give it a little bit direction of what it would be sequel's beginning or so, but can't say much more than this for now, so stay tuned, and as always, thank you! 


lul xD

A perfect game indeed! I loved every minute on it, the art is beautiful, I'm a pixel art lover myself, so I may say this is perfect. The sounds and the music is pretty well put to make you feel the game, the puzzle difficultys makes it even more fun and addicting to play, I couldn't manage to stop playing until I've got to the end of it, congrats!

Hey, thanks for your feedback! About the fire button, I've left that way so you can feel the chaos as you have to manage all things at once, the score not clearing is bug that I haven't seen on my tests, but I'm gonna fix it, and about the amount of enemies, I wanted to make the game with a difficulty as insane as possible, reaching a point that you don't have control of the situation, and all you have left is death. About the enemy design, in fact, while I was creating it it reminded me a lot of Grow Home too, it was a nice indie game, and I needed a quick enemy to model xD. Anyway, thanks again for you feedback!

Really cool idea! I loved the player sprite, it's so smooth and good to see, the sound is really good too, but it needs a little bit of polishment, when you get shoot for example, I think the players moves way too slow that what should be supposed for him to walk to really makes it difficulty, but in overall, it's a really good game!

Really fun to play, but it lacks at little bit of sound and music to make you kinda ''feel'' the game pace, nice job!