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A member registered Aug 07, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

No problem. Thanks for clearing that up!

Great tool! I much prefer it to Unity's tilemap tools.

I have one question:

My Tiled tilemap is set to "right-up", however when I import my tilemap to Unity, everything seems to work as "right-down" by default, and all my tiles have negative Y positions. Is there a way to change this behaviour?

I took a long break from this project, but recently picked it back up. Full screen and much more should be coming (as soon as I find the time to work on it). Thanks for playing!

Hey! I've been playing around with your idea, and prototyped some growable platforms. Check it out here!

You'll be happy to know that robots are no longer waterproof <3

I used libGDX, a Java framework. Thanks for playing!

Originally, the fruit was going to play a much larger role, game play wise. Didn't have enough time to implement my ideas unfortunately. But  I can see where you're coming from. Thanks for the feedback!

I love this idea! I'll keep this in mind when I add more content in the future. Thanks for playing!