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A member registered Mar 02, 2016 · View creator page →

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Ah, I forgot fa_top! Thanks a lot! Now it works fine. 

It's a wonderful library, thanks for making it. :) 

Hi, the UITextBox doesn't work for me. The caret is always shown in the top left corner of the sprite, also the text . I'm using the latest GM and gooey version 2024.1. I was able to position place holder text (which should be "Hello world" in the screenshot) with fa_left to make it readable, the caret still appears at the top left corner and the input behaves like it's fa_center'ed.

Am I'm doing something wrong? I tried to find a solution in the docs, but wasn't successfull.

Wow, that was fast! Thanks a lot, it works now. 

There is a small ghost panel sprite on the screen though. This doesn't happen in demo room 12 or it's underneath one of the buttons, I'm not sure.

I investigated the camera problem a little further. stanncam disables application_surface and uses the Post-Draw event to draw everything. I added Update_GUI_dimensions() to a Post-Draw event in obj_GGL_controller and the menu is drawn properly. I still have to figure out how to center the items correctly on the screen though. 

(2 edits)


I tried to follow the menu group tutorial, but menu groups seem buggy. 

When I run my tutorial code I get the following error:

sprite_get_width argument 1 invalid reference to (sprite) at gml_Script_anon_GGL_sub_panel_gml_GlobalScript_scr_GGL_sub_panel_5522_GGL_sub_panel_gml_GlobalScript_scr_GGL_sub_panel (line 302) - var _baseW = sprite_get_width(sprite_index)  * image_xscale * owner.scale_relative.x;


If I check line 302 in scr_GGL_sub_panel there seem to be some variables not initialized. I tried to fix the code with the following modifications:

  • I initialized _baseW/_baseH with value 0 at 268, so they're declared earlier.
  • I also replaced lines 302-303 with the code from lines 280-287, but used _baseW/_baseH instead of _w/_h

That makes the code run. But the buttons still don't work perfectly. The hover section of the button is very small around the center. 

There seem to be more problems. Changing the font in parent_GGL_menu variables doesn't work. 

Also I'm not able to center the menu - but this could be a problem with the camera I use (I'm using stanncam from Github). GGL seems to ignore the resolution of the camera and only uses a fraction of the resolution, so items are cut off.  

FYI, these errors also happen to the demo room 12.

Could you please have a look at my problems? You probably can ignore the camera problem, as it seems to be an incompability with stanncam. I probably need to fix this myself.

Hi, just bought the package, great work! What I'd like to see in a future update are "boss monsters" in 16x16 or even more. E.g. bigger dragons, a kraken, demons like a balrog, etc. :) Keep up the good work!

Well, I tried that, but it broke my project. Thankfully I was in an early state, so it was not that bad. The demo rooms were implemented as the starting point and my project files got totally ignored. It probably was GMS2's fault. :) 

I imported the asset into my project and was fairly surprised that when I compiled my project a demo of GGL was shown. Could you please describe how to get rid of the demo? Maybe it's an good idea to add this as a topic to your documentation. ;) Thanks!

Hi, I really like this asset and after getting it from the Bundle I bought all your other assets as well. ;)

I also saw the cut off pixel, but I fixed it myself. Animation looks much better with the outline and having 3rd and 6th frame moved up a pixel.

Hi, nice project! I'm not really sure, if Maze of Death fits in this collection. Not in its current state at least. The game is not well designed and needs some more features to be real fun. 

But do as you please. ;) No special license required.