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A member registered 38 days ago

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lol remember me it's necro

Is your discord also johnvic?

I will stand by patiently then, I was curious that it could be possible but the reason I say yours look really good is the way there's alot of customization which I've been looking for 

This on Android is sadly not possible but this would be the best if it was

Will there be a Android version or port? 

I love the game but on mobile at least the rika shooter game on hard is next to impossible because you cant move the bow and shoot you have to stop moving the bow to shoot 

Also f u hattera overreact much dont be a baby next time and get that angry you were not thinking straight next time be smart and talk like a regular person dont be a ashole 

I may be autistic and I always make dumb decisions but Im also quick to anger which makes me not think properly and when yall are yelling at me all caps every couple sec it made me overwhelmed so next time dont be mean about it and man/woman up a bit if you cant take a joke on a nsfw  server why you there in the first place

Sorry about the link in discord yall I wasn't thinking and I'm sorry if I hurt any of you I'm not gonna go back but i just wanted to apologize :( and for the record yall some insensitive people dont let your emotions bully someone else for their mistakes

Nah I'm just venting I've had a long past couple of weeks and the game pushed me over the edge sorry mado