I did, how do I use the update files? I used to use android but changed to pc so I am still kinda new to all this
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there are alot of side characters you get to fight with once. I thought it might be a cool idea to switch your main party members out for some side characters in combat to spice up the fights. Even maybe have a option to fight along side some random soldiers and officers of central. It would change up the fights and make things feel a bit new more often.
so I lost my save data again and I am redoing though the game. I have found places that drop in frame rate and or just freeze for a long time
First place was under the church in cattllbury.
And the next was the dungeon that you go to with the pink hire girl at cattlbury.
(I forgot how to spell the name of the capital of. I forgot how to spel the countrys name now to xl. I'm an idiot)
idk how many would use this, but for those who want a chill play though, (I have gone though it 4 times needing to rest because my phone loses the data.) It would be nice to have a cheat to gain levels. Even one that makes you invincible would be nice. So I can enjoy the story with out having to level up and worry about being under leveled and all.
I have played though the game so many times due to changing devices or corrupted save files, so I was thinking for those who do not want to have to go an take a excessive amount of time to level up again that just like theres the gold cheat in the bed room a exp glitch would also be a good idea just a thought tho.