Yes it worked! I was missing the UniversalRenderPipelineAsset. I havn't used the URP before, but now everything is fine. Great work and I hope I can show you a cool game i made with your shader soon.
Best regards HappyIRL
That is amazing, i'll test it out right away. I already created my first game with your cool shader for an assignment and im glad to tell you i am recreating it for myself and again with your awesome shader. If you want i'll send you a build to play when done :)
Edit: I just tried it out and it is all pink ^^ when i used lwrp in the past it worked fine from start, so i think this isn't supposed to be. Basically everything is pink texture when i open your test scene. I don't know if i have to clarify using the URP, but i got URP imported, same as your project and it doesn't work ^^. Maybe I am just to stupid ;). Looking forward using your shader, really amazing.