tried to run on chromebook, but everything was super white contrast. I couldnt see anything except the outline of the text, and some basic detail on the outskirts ):
I have had this issue with other games in the past, it is probably my device.
I have a small suggestion or two, but other than that this is incredible, it is true to the original, well made, and overall one of the best games on this website. The only things i would add is the ability to play as wario and waluigi, and allowing players to customize the item list, so you can have some items and not others. or add powers like penguin, bubble, and metal.
Linux player here. I noticed a bug, for some reason i have to click somewhere off to the side of an object to interact with it. The only thing unaffected by the offset was the yes and no on the computer. The locations of where to click changed. I think it had to do with where my mouse was when the game launched.