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Hare Software

A member registered Apr 22, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! The airship uses a technique called 'sprite stacking'. It layers sprites in a way to make it look 3D when rotated.

Thanks for playing! I agree with you on the intro, I had no time to program that in sadly.  If you still know what led to the bug, I would love to know!

It is possible with some early lucky strikes and slowly backing off, but you are meant to fail there. I did manage it a few times during testing ;)

Glad you liked it! This version was made within 72 hours and I am planning to make a full version which will have a save function among its features! :)

Thank you so much for playing and for taking the time to make the video!

That is very annoying, I will fix it for you! Thank you for your comment as well!

I really liked the mechanics and would have loved some levels in which several of them are combined, so I hope you get the chance to work on it some more!

An interesting platformer! The graphics are really nice and I really like how the bomb destroy the environment, well done!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much! I figured out what the problem was. Weapon selection can also be done by clicking the icons or hovering over them and letting go of Q. I pretty much always used this method and forgot to take the keyboard number selection out of developer mode, which causes all sorts of issues. It should work now, hope you can finally start rootin', tootin' and most importantly shootin'!

A fun idea, unfortunately I had to test it on my own. Good work!

Quite a complicated puzzle at the start, but once I got to hang of it, I really liked it! Great entry!

While it can be a bit hard to play at times, I do really like the idea. I also experimented a lot with games like this, so I know they can be hard to make. Well done and best of luck in the jam!

I really like this game! It feels polished and well thought out, hope you get to work on it more in the future! 

A small little game fit for a jam like this, hope to see more from you in the future!

Beautiful graphics and interesting gameplay! You should teach me how to make pretty backgrounds like that! I can really tell you wanted to make it much bigger and I hope you get the chance to do so in the future. Well done!

A very well made, wholesome and fun game to play! Great work! 

A fun little game that is easy to learn and play, well done!

A Windows build has been added. I hope the issue will not show up for everyone on HTML. For me it work!

(1 edit)

I know what you experienced. I accidentally uploaded the version in which you start with a one-shot weapon. Pressing reload should have fixed the issue, but the current version starts you with the correct starting weapon. Thanks for notifying me!

Gotta aim :)

(press right mouse button to aim)

Good call, hope Alex gets to enjoy the release in good health. Hope your release goes well and stay safe!

Windows does this automatically since it has not been downloaded by many people yet and thus is not confirmed to be safe, nothing to worry about. You can still play the game!

Thanks for playing! I have been working on a full version for the last few days, a lot of the things you mentioned have been improved already and I will keep working on it to make sure it's much more enjoyable than the current version. Thanks for your feedback and I will add your suggestions to the list with things to add!