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A member registered Jun 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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No nie ukrywam, zaczęliśmy w niedzielę :') 

Dududu dududu jest niebezpieczny 

Hehe, jak testowałem to bałem się że będzie za łatwa :p klucze trzeba lecieć po kolei bo są losowo, a jak zablokujesz lustrem potwora to masz z 15 sekund czasu gdzie na 100% Cię nie zaatakuje, samo lustro ma 5 warstw obrażeń więc zależnie od szczęścia

Hinman, I am delighted for your feedback, honestly, I didn't expect anyone to check my game out so fast, I was preparing it for a presentation that is later this week.

1. I use a dark internet reader that changes and messes with font color that's why I didn't notice that it's blending into the background. Fixed (I think)

2. I am aware that some platforms necessary to jump onto are blent in with the environment. I will make effort to make it more clear, however, it's a delicate balance for me, I don't want the props to look out of place.

3. The sound of the swine cooks is too aggressive right now after breaking in, I will record it again/redo the triggers.

4. About the coyote time - if the player is no longer touching the ground, for a fraction of the time the game should still allow him to press jump and/or disable gravitational push? I will add it to the next build, thank you.

5. Granted, arrow movement will also be included next time I update it.

Thanks again for your feedback, although unexpected it means a lot to me. I will try to make this demo the best version of itself but right now it serves as a showcase of my abilities.