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A member registered May 05, 2020

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False, this happened with the first version of this game and never got it resolved.

Loved it!

Why can I not download this?
It's saying it's not compatable.

Awesome Game! I really was impressed by every aspect of this game!

Great game! I do agree with the comments that more story telling would be great, but good work!

This game was pretty dope! Loved playing it! Here's my video:

This is definitely one interesting game...

Fantastic game! It’s really difficult but really fun!

Thank you very much! A lot of work went into this haha

Really awesome and weird game!

My only piece of advice is that you give the player a flashlight throughout the entire game, or just make things a little brighter.

Awesome game dude! Can't wait to see more!

Awesome game Lixian!!

loved playing this! Great one off game that summons a LOT of rage!

Awesome game! My only suggestion is that you make the groceries easier to find or at least give the player a checklist. Other than that, keep up the good work!!

Fantastic game, I thought Ronald's moves were amazing :D

I haven't even started playing this yet, but I bought it and am downloading it and CANNOT WAIT!

Once again, with even my second video, this game is very very impressive and I love playing it!

This game scared the absolute crap out of me. Well done dev!

Banger game! Can't wait for the other nights to be released!

 amazing job with this game, dude! loved playing and recording it!

such a great   experience!