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A member registered Feb 07, 2024

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(2 edits)

it wass called 'Shadow1.png',   and I renamed it to 'shadow1.png', but it doesn't work and failed to load Shadow1.png,Shadow2.png and so on,

when I drop ''data'', this error comes up.when I replace the'js', the window remains dark.but when I replace the contents of ''js''('plugins.js' and 'Js'' or ''plugins'' folder), the game starts in English.

and it does run without the patch.

thanks for your reply, but when I replaced it, the window remains dark and doesn't start.

and next i droped   the contents of the ''js'' and   ''data'' of the patch into the app.nw\data and  app.nw\js and replaced. the apps starts、but soon display now loading and this error comes up; Error: Loading Error: Failed to load: img/system/Shadow1.png.

translation patch doesn't  work on Mac? I tried Japanese and French.