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TK Customs

A member registered Apr 11, 2022

Recent community posts

I can tell you I have the DLC Oxbo for this merger is total crap, there is no animation for the hay or grass coming up on the belts. 

When filling with combine it moves across the ground

Yes they do work

There are people that can mod, and there are people think they can mod, and end up making the good mod worse. All it takes is patience and wait for the developer to fix it, or learn the basics and do it yourself. 

I download from, Facebook, Giants Mod hub, Mod Hub US etc., I have never had no issues, Facebook is pretty safe. Giants Mod Hub is safe. And Mod Hub US is okay, but some mods might need some TLC. The North Woods Farmer's info is correct. I have security protocols in place for my PC. My identity theft company I use for me, has extended programs in place for gamers and their mods. If anybody wants me to help them determine if you have encountered problems, just drop me a, pm, or my speech software TeamSpeak IP:, Discord: trftdelta

That requires a custom bale wrapper, because it is a custom bale size, I am currently working on one.

It's probably all the crappy mods he downloaded with the map. I have heard people download every mod since FS22 started and you can run into problems, unless you are good and fix everything. There are no viruses on any map I have downloaded strictly from Facebook or, and I am very security conscience about stuff I download. He must be off his meds. MRG's Maps no issues whatever security wise.

If you're talking about filling the tank in the bed, that's easy, you have to position the right way to get the trigger, and it will fill. This truck also has a separate take for DEF, you have to download the DEF placeable mod to fill that.

(1 edit)

If you're talking about filling the tank in the bed, that's easy, you have to position the right way to get the trigger, and it will fill. This truck also has a separate take for DEF, you have to download the DEF placeable mod to fill that.

I absolutely love this truck this was the only error I found

Both pics I uploaded are images within the mirror.

(1 edit)

Thank you sir

Thanks, MRG Mapping

Maps take time to develop, I think for a beta it is pretty outstanding.  Well for me I have a working knowledge of Giants so I have already went through the map and made it custom for myself. Giants is not all that complicated for some. Just have a little patience or maybe ask someone that is familiar with Giants and they will help you out.

I am running FS22_PrecisionFarmingAnhydrousReady and propane is already in the map.

Is this a new map, or is it something you have been working on?

What hid16 said about the hitch, that was the only thing I found wrong, but otherwise solid tractor.

This baler makes custom bales so you have to configure them in the XML, if I get time in my busy schedule I will personally get you an autoload wagon for this.

This is not autoload, this picks up the bale with an arm and puts it on the trailer.

Roosters 1275 wagons will pick them up 

download link for the update

On the kp525 can you put dynamic hoses on?

(1 edit)

Hey dude go and learn the Giants editor and in there you can open up his map and remove the buildings you don't want  and not have to complain about it on here.

(1 edit)

No cones you speak of, there is the service activate function with the letter M M twice in the F1 key, I figured it out, had to change keybindings and it worked.

(1 edit)

One quick question, when I am standing next to the truck to activate the service function, when I hit the F1 key I see M M to activate the service function. Figured it out had to change keybinds and it worked.

Flashers don't luminate

The wheels dont move

(4 edits)

Well it works in singleplayer, and hosting it on my own connection, but when I go to my VeryGames server it says the map is unavailable in red letters. I unloaded all my mods and only the map on the server and it still says unavailable. Now I tested Medicine Creek BV1 and it comes up unavailable with only the map running. I have a question, how do you test your maps, on a paid mp server or just sp?

2024-04-20 20:43 Error: Failed to open xml file 'data/shaders/emissiveLightsShader.xml'. 2024-04-20 20:43 Warning: Shape from 'map.i3d.shapes' too big (21259 KB). Maximum supported size on Consoles is 8192 KB. 2024-04-20 20:43 Error: Shape from 'map.i3d.shapes' too big (21259 KB). Maximum supported size is 16384 KB. 2024-04-20 20:43 Warning: Shape from 'map.i3d.shapes' too big (13427 KB). Maximum supported size on Consoles is 8192 KB. 2024-04-20 20:43 Warning: Shape from 'map.i3d.shapes' too big (11855 KB). Maximum supported size on Consoles is 8192 KB. 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/map.i3d (6668.83 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/foliage/decoFoliageUS.i3d (79.99 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/groundFoliage/groundFoliage.i3d (27.03 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/decoBush/decoBush.i3d (10.48 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/foliage/meadow/meadowForestry.i3d (81.98 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/foliage/grass/grass.i3d (22.12 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/foliage/wheat/wheat.i3d (28.27 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/foliage/canola/canola.i3d (17.94 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/foliage/barley/barley.i3d (22.30 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize/maize.i3d (19.82 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/potato/potato.i3d (8.78 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/potato/potatoHaulm.i3d (0.93 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/sugarbeet/sugarbeet.i3d (7.86 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/sugarbeet/sugarbeetHaulm.i3d (0.71 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/sunflower/sunflower.i3d (6.00 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/foliage/soybean/soybean.i3d (7.71 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/oilseedRadish/oilseedRadish.i3d (1.67 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/poplar/poplar.i3d (2.77 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/foliage/oat/oat.i3d (25.03 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/sugarcane/sugarcane.i3d (4.01 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/sugarcane/sugarCaneHaulm.i3d (0.72 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/cotton/cotton.i3d (5.02 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/sorghum/sorghum.i3d (7.55 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/olive/olive.i3d (4.90 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/grape/grape.i3d (0.42 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/foliage/ukfoliage.i3d (58.49 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/foliage/alfalfa/alfalfa.i3d (3.92 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/foliage/clover/clover.i3d (4.17 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/foliage/maize2/maize.i3d (47.37 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 Warning (performance): Foliage lod 1 mesh 'silagecorn' 'green middle' 'harvestReady' is much larger than lod 0 mesh (min/maxY (-0.022/0.669 vs -0.017/0.479). 2024-04-20 20:43 Info: transform group 'd:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/data/densityMap_fruits.png' has elements very far out from the cell edge (59.65% expansion) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/weed/weed.i3d (8.84 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/foliage/stone/stone.i3d (1.39 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 FoliageTransformGroup 'd:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/data/densityMap_fruits.png' may need space for up to 2672672 instances (2312 per cell x 1156 cells) 2024-04-20 20:43 FoliageTransformGroup 'd:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/data/densityMap_weed.gdm' may need space for up to 294912 instances (512 per cell x 576 cells) 2024-04-20 20:43 FoliageTransformGroup 'd:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/data/densityMap_stones.gdm' may need space for up to 294912 instances (512 per cell x 576 cells) 2024-04-20 20:43 DensityMapModifier: numChannels is beyond range for 3-channel DensityMap d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/maps/mapUS/data/densityMap_stones.gdm 2024-04-20 20:43 DensityMapModifier: firstChannel = 0, numChannels = 4, channelOffset = 0 2024-04-20 20:43 DensityMapModifier: called from dataS/scripts/utils/FSDensityMapUtil.lua (43) 2024-04-20 20:43 Error: Trying to set DensityMapHeightUpdater collision map with invalid size (33554432 vs 134217728) 2024-04-20 20:43 Warning: No tip collision map defined. Creating empty tip placement collision map. 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/cultivator/particle/soilParticle.i3d (5.10 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/cultivator/cultivatorMeshes_materialHolder.i3d (1.32 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/slurry/slurryEffects_materialHolder.i3d (2.02 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/unload/unloadMeshes_materialHolder.i3d (7.34 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/unload/unloadParticles_materialHolder.i3d (0.95 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/unload/unloadParticles.i3d (0.41 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/smoke/smokeParticles.i3d (0.34 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/smoke/smokeParticles_materialHolder.i3d (0.32 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/smoke/industrial/smokeParticles.i3d (1.72 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/wheel/wheelParticles.i3d (1.18 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/bees/beesParticles.i3d (0.55 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/horse/horseStepParticleSystem.i3d (0.42 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/sprayer/particle/washer.i3d (0.42 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/sprayer/sprayerMeshes_materialHolder.i3d (1.31 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/leveler/levelerMeshes_materialHolder.i3d (0.82 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/wood/particle/forestry.i3d (2.29 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/belt/beltMeshes_materialHolder.i3d (4.96 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/potato/particle/potato.i3d (1.88 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/sugarBeet/particle/sugarBeet.i3d (0.57 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/effects/cotton/particle/cotton.i3d (1.12 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/shared/materialHolders/tensionBeltMaterialHolder.i3d (2.65 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/shared/materialHolders/tireTrackMaterialHolder.i3d (1.23 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/shared/mapTargetMarker.i3d (0.27 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/fillPlanes/fillPlane_materialHolder.i3d (0.74 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/trainSystem/trainSystem.i3d (3.01 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/store/ui/shop.i3d (10.15 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 dataS/menu/licensePlate/creationBox.i3d (0.11 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/store/ui/wardrobe.i3d (22.62 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/buildings/JCL/55x74LEntry.i3d (52.28 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/buildings/JCL/55x74REntry.i3d (3.94 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/buildings/LEM/hayshed.i3d (143.31 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/shared/assets/marker/markerIcons.i3d (0.56 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/buildings/LEM/hayshed2.i3d (141.49 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/buildings/WesternIowa/bunker.i3d (58.28 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/FS22_AGBAG/AgBag2.i3d (1.54 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/FS22_AGBAG/AgBag1.i3d (0.58 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/houses/house1/house1.i3d (737.56 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/houses/house2/AmericanHouse.i3d (67.89 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/houses/house3/doormat.i3d (1.21 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/sellpoints/sellingStationBales.i3d (0.17 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/sellpoints/sellingStationGenericNoCover.i3d (2.39 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/sellpoints/sellingStationGenericNoCover2.i3d (1.80 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/sellpoints/sellingStationGenericNoCover3.i3d (1.60 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/sellpoints/silageSale.i3d (1.74 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/sellpoints/milkSell.i3d (1.70 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/buypoints/fertTank.i3d (0.23 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/buypoints/herbTank.i3d (0.21 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/buypoints/solidFert.i3d (0.51 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/buypoints/gasstation.i3d (0.12 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/buypoints/AnhydousFillTriggers.i3d (0.13 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/buypoints/propane.i3d (0.12 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/storage/dryers/dryer1.i3d (0.72 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/storage/dryers/dryer2.i3d (0.63 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/storage/dryers/dryer3.i3d (0.66 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/storage/dryers/dryer4.i3d (0.66 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/silos/harvestore1.i3d (0.69 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/silos/harvestore2.i3d (0.62 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/buypoints/limeBuy.i3d (0.25 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/storage/large_bin/large_bin.i3d (72.96 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/storage/medium_bin/mediumBin.i3d (70.38 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/gasTanks/single_tank.i3d (20.38 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 Warning: Shape from 'large_farm_gas.i3d.shapes' too big (21259 KB). Maximum supported size on Consoles is 8192 KB. 2024-04-20 20:43 Error: Shape from 'large_farm_gas.i3d.shapes' too big (21259 KB). Maximum supported size is 16384 KB. 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/gasTanks/large_farm_gas.i3d (72.99 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/sellpoints/sellingStationVehicles.i3d (0.21 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/animals/beefcows/beefCows1.i3d (1.76 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/animals/beefcows/navmeshbeef1.i3d (0.21 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/animals/beefcows/beefCows2.i3d (1.30 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/animals/beefcows/navmeshbeef2.i3d (0.21 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/animals/dairycows/freestall.i3d (4.23 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/animals/dairycows/navMeshDairy.i3d (0.34 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/animals/dairycows/monoslope.i3d (3.60 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_MedicineCreek_V2/placeables/animals/dairycows/navMeshMono.i3d (0.14 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/vehicles/train/locomotive04/locomotive04.i3d (10.73 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 data/vehicles/train/wagonGrain/wagonGrain.i3d (4.32 ms) 2024-04-20 20:43 Error: Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileAsyncFinished'. dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/AttacherJoints.lua(1699) : attempt to index field 'spec_attachable' (a nil value) 2024-04-20 20:44 Setting 'Radio Volume': 0.600 2024-04-20 20:44 Setting 'Vehicle Volume': 1.000 2024-04-20 20:44 Setting 'Environment Volume': 0.700 2024-04-20 20:44 Setting 'GUI Volume': 0.500 2024-04-20 20:44 Info: Savegame Setting 'dirtInterval': 3 2024-04-20 20:44 Info: Savegame Setting 'snowEnabled': true 2024-04-20 20:44 Info: Savegame Setting 'growthMode': 1 2024-04-20 20:44 Info: Savegame Setting 'fuelUsage': 2 2024-04-20 20:44 Info: Savegame Setting 'plowingRequiredEnabled': true 2024-04-20 20:44 Info: Savegame Setting 'weedsEnabled': true 2024-04-20 20:44 Info: Savegame Setting 'limeRequired': true 2024-04-20 20:44 Info: Savegame Setting 'stonesEnabled': true 2024-04-20 20:44 Info: Savegame Setting 'economicDifficulty': 2 2024-04-20 20:44 Info: Savegame Setting 'fixedSeasonalVisuals': nil 2024-04-20 20:44 Info: Savegame Setting 'plannedDaysPerPeriod': 1 2024-04-20 20:44 Info: No vehicle navigation cost map found. Start scanning map... 2024-04-20 20:44 dataS/character/humans/player/player01.i3d (42.44 ms) 2024-04-20 20:44 dataS/character/player01/clothes/bottoms/botJeans.i3d (19.40 ms) 2024-04-20 20:44 dataS/character/player01/heads/maleHead01.i3d (90.20 ms) 2024-04-20 20:44 dataS/character/player01/clothes/footwear/footwearWorkboot02.i3d (6.53 ms) 2024-04-20 20:44 dataS/character/player01/hairStyles/hairStyle3070.i3d (92.68 ms) 2024-04-20 20:45 dataS/character/player01/clothes/tops/topDenimJacket.i3d (27.07 ms)

Very nice tractor but came across an animation error:

2024-03-26 12:11 Warning (d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_CaseIH_MXSeries/MaxxumMX.xml): Animation 'wiperFrontAnimation' not defined for wiper 'vehicle.wipers.wiper(0)'! 

2024-03-26 12:11 Warning (physics): Add trigger callback failed, object indoorHUD is not a physics trigger.

2024-03-26 12:11 d:/servers/service6508/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_CaseIH_MXSeries/MX.i3d (297.43 ms) 2024-03-26 12:11 Error: Failed to find child 1 from node wheelAxisLeft, only 1 children given 2024-03-26 12:11 LUA call stack: dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (20) : printCallstack dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (100) : checkChildIndex dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (448) : indexToObject dataS/scripts/xml/XMLFile.lua (296) : closure dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (444) : iterate dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (833) : loadI3DMapping dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DManager.lua (134) : asyncCallbackFunction 2024-03-26 12:11 Error: Index not found: 1>1|0|0|1 2024-03-26 12:11 Error: Failed to find child 1 from node wheelAxisLeft, only 1 children given 2024-03-26 12:11 LUA call stack:

Was this map tested on a paid MP server, because I tried it on my verygames server with only the required mods and map and it kept spinning at 95% and did not go any further

I have only the required mods and map on my paid server and when I go to get into game, it tells me the map is unavailable. Was this map tested on a paid server?

Can I ask you a question, how hard is it to put locking strap on the cart

All header carts in the real world have straps that fasten them down to the cart. And the object attacher script for the Claas in-game carts works but not the regular ones that everyone else makes, the headers fall off.

Here the cylinder is not connected

Here the cylinder is correct

I will get you some when I go in game

The steering cylinders were not connected up front, and when you switch to fwa the front was in the ground. I was testing it on my server.