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A member registered Mar 30, 2020

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FINALLY I see "patch enabled", phew... thank you SO much! I have no idea why itch was acting like this for me. I'm so happy there are kind people like you out there! <3

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Thanks for your answer, xolf! As I said I don't get the file itself, instead itch asks me, where to install - and then procedes to create that folder with subfolder and nothing inside. That's why I am asking if there is any other way of getting the file itself and installing it manually.

Edit: if you could indeed upload it somewhere else for me that would be SO nice of you as I'm sure that would solve the problem.

Hi, thanks again for your reply!! And now we have proof: when I click on your direct link, Steam tells me I can't access the page in Germany. (My preferences are always including any adult content.) So it's indeed blocked for German Steam users, which infuriates me ever since they changed it to that a few years ago, as it isn't even necessary by German law, they would just need to implement an age verification. >:( It's really ridiculous, when not even porn sites are blocked over here. Well, rant aside... do you have any idea how I could still get the file? 

Thank you so much for your answer! I've been trying to get the patch from Steam now for nearly an hour with deleting all my filters etc., restarting and whatnot. The problem is: it tells me there are 3 DLCs but I can see only two. Now that I tried really everything I can think of, I guess it's a problem with Steam Germany which is ridiculously strict with any sexual content. Do you know if that is the case? Anyway, I have no idea how to access the patch. Is there any other way? Do you have a direct link to the DLCs shoppage on Steam maybe? Either I can see that it is indeed blocked for me (maybe that info is interesting to you because that would apply to everyone in Germany) or I could finally find the patch. 

I installed it to SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Blankspace\game and there is a folder now called "blankspace-patch" with a folder called ".itch" inside, which is empty. When I start the game, there is no "patch enabled" to be seen... you said here that it works with the Steam version too but somehow I can't get it to work. Any advice? Is there a way to download the patch manually and move it to that folder myself? Because when I click on "download" it justs asks me directly where to INSTALL, it will not simply download anything.

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I'm also way more interested in female protagonists (usually I skip games like this because of that), so that's good to know!

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Hi! I just bought this on Steam and noticed that an "optional H-patch" is available but I can't find it. In a discussion Itch was mentioned that's why I'm here now but still don't see it... is it the "additional text patch"? 

Disregard my question, I see it has to be the text patch. I was thinking about CGs but I really do like written content as well, so I don't mind at all. Often the pictures in your head are better than anything drawn out anyway. 

My heartfelt thanks! I really just meant to say something nice and something that would give people an idea of the game's style and theme. Maybe it came off wrong because English is not my native language but I still don't get why "inspiration" should be something bad when every creator uses it. The way I see it you can't create anything without it. But anyway - thanks again!

Well, if you call me "incredibly rude" over something I meant as a positive (!) review, I think I can very well call you rude too, so your "nothing I said was rude" doesn't really make sense to me. Accusing someone of something is not a "disagreement".

And I still have no idea, why it would be negative in any way to say something was "inspired" by whatever. I have a completely different view from yours. Art is compared to other art all the time without taking anything away from it. Especially if compared to something really good.

But anyway, since you already said you will not engage any further, I guess this ends here.

Well, it seems you only assume the worst things and want to call me out on something I didn't even mean, so that's quite rude itself. I was NOT saying it was unoriginal. Everything we say/dream/write/create is inspired from something. Why would that be a bad thing? I never said and I never meant "copied". I just wanted to let people, who were considering playing this game, know how it feels like. It was purely a very positive review.  And regarding the timing: I said "or something similar". And besides the books have been around since 2000-2006. But I don't even care - if the author says, nah, it wasn't Bridgerton, then I guess it wasn't Bridgerton but something similar, like I said. It doesn't really matter at all - it was more of a description, so people know what they are getting themselves into.

I have no idea why that made you so mad. To me YOUR post was incredibly rude.

I LOVE this so much!! The graphics could be better but the story and characters are simply wonderful! I'm pretty sure it's all inspired by the Bridgerton TV series are something similar, so if you like that you HAVE to try this!

Wow, I really love this game, it's far more than I expected! The only thing so far (I'm still making money in Akra to repair the ship) that's bothering me: I'm playing as a female character (cause that's what I am) and I'd love to be able to chose breastsize - and breasts are never even mentioned during sex scenes... and the clothing in the sexshop doesn't look very feminine either. I guess this game was made having a man in mind but MAYBE it wouldn't be too much trouble to add that? 

That would be so phantastic! Thanks for your great work!

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I love this game! Hoping for an update real soon! The only thing that's not up to my taste - there should be an option to chose if you're lesbian or not. I really didn't like a woman going down on Luna all of a sudden... And until now I haven't found a man as a romance option - they were all bastards... so that's really sad for a straight woman.